Friday, December 31, 2010

B12 Shots, Hoboken, Nj

Happy to you all!

We have a good anti-feminist in 2010 brought successfully behind us. Also in 2011 we will go on as before. Together we will delegitimize the feminism that spread doubts about him among the people and preach to new ideals of true equality and equal duties.

addition, we will try our political commitment to further expand, so that we can attack the notorious bastions of state feminism over the money supply. We hope here that anti-feminists and tighten worldwide same process in their countries respectively. We

the feminists and their supporters to be a poodle to make clear once and for all, that whoever rests with men, it gets to do with us!

In that spirit, I wish you all a happy new year 2011 anti-feminist!

New Year's Eve fireworks in Zurich

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Getting Sponsored By Monster Energy For Gaming

The male image of Eva Herman

Eva Herman is one of the first really famous women in the recent past (Esther Vilar work is back a bit longer), which is related to the Feminism used. Many of them had hailed, than a return to the mother role and a move away from over-the-called feminism. As the great conservative, she was shown and the terrors emancipated they hated to the death and set her in the brown area.

But we shall see below that even as Eva Herman gynozentrisch and feminist anti-male as the rest is dirt. She assumed the male sex, among other things, a monopoly on pedophilia, which is scientifically questionable at best, as we shall discuss below in more detail. She also sees men analogy as needy cripple, would be saved by women, which the dignity of man as People in question.

Apparently, Eva Herman hereby their usefulness as cannon fodder for the cause of the global anti-feminist revolution of the men overused and depleted.

For Eva Herman pedophile is male

She fell recently because of negative that they all men a penchant for pedophilia and rape imputed , so they sharply pleading for men away from educators professions.

are of course of course, not all male teachers pedophile pig, as there would probably also some positive examples, but when it came to abuse allegations, were all affected mostly men - said Eva Herman. There is then another three convictions of pedophile teachers and refers to the abuse allegations against the Catholic Church.

is also the risk of pedophilia in men is much greater, it cites the child psychologist Christa Meves, which then performs the same further, that wash men, small children and handle, less could resist the temptation to penetrate it (!). Munter quotes Eva Herman Alice Schwarzer EMMA placed under general suspicion, with its most men pedophilia, as this would be a sound argument.

can be seen here clearly that Eva Herman harbors a general suspicion against men. Obviously pedophilia and Päderasterei is with her a male sphere of activity.

this suspicion to use the plan to the Minister Schröder, carrying more men into the day-care centers, to criticize most stupid manner. We do respect the men in the day care no more thoughts, after all, this is another feminist project that the re-education of the children towards genderistischen ideals serves - but that's not right now.

Rather, we want the stupid and anti-male method of Eva Herman That show with the men they would probably keep away from the principle of educating our children, so that made the female monopoly of influence remain.

Finally, mothers and teachers educate our children in such a way so that later can again enjoy another woman of them, as has Esther Vilar described .

women conquer the bastion of child abuse

But what is behind this suspicion? Is it really only men who defile young children and girls grope? Do they really Päderastenmonopol hold? Let's dig a bit in the black box of uncomfortable truths.

Even mothers mistreat their children. Especially in Germany, more and more women are due to child abuse displayed - their victims are usually young. Also in the same place complained that abuse is taken seriously by women far too little. Nuns assault on defenseless boys. This is not an isolated case . In the cases of abuse in the Catholic Church are so nuns the focus of the investigation. Also pedophile teachers who abuse their charges, are increasingly in court.

assault in churches and schools, therefore, also means women with children, by far not only men - but Eva Herman warned explicitly only to men

Even with street children in Canada are large majority of abused women guilty.. sex tourism is also a hit in elderly women - especially those flying to Africa and will have very happy intercourse with minors. In New Zealand, are perpetrated against the half of all child abuse by women. Here are today's numbers concerning the sex distribution for abuse too low and are estimated distorting by sexual relationships between boys and women played down and that more women have access to small children, can not report the abuse.

We can assume that it will develop similar to domestic violence - as has been claimed by feminists in the beginning, that only men commit domestic violence and would nowadays there are more than 250 different studies, which show that men and women as well as exercise and often brutal domestic violence.

child pornography is also more and more a women's problem, as one had only recently to discover by the arrest of a corresponding ring , as a whole by 23 people 20 women were arrested - and just in Sweden - the feminist Saudi Arabia, as Julian Assange it aptly describes .

Let us first when it comes to education and look at what (single?) Mothers so all their own (!) Do to children. Sun abused recently a mother her 7-year-old son, anesthetized and filmed him. Or how about that mother that her son severely neglected and therefore is on trial? Or those who let her son starve to death ? Sometimes suffocated a mother now and then a child if, for example, do not eat properly wants. Or even if she was scared - then smother mothers also like six children at once . Even police officers kill out once in their children. And stepmothers scald children.

particularly disgusting is that monster mother in the eight bodies were found and the baby was admitted subsequently slaughtered.

We are so proud of this Pauer strong women! Even in the most despicable and heinous they outdo us men still by far! And with the trend towards more and more single mothers, they will keep this bastion surely long.

emphasize Feminist pedophilia

particular, I would like our pedophile feminists! So, for example, Simone de Beauvoir, the mother of today Genderismus , fired from her job as a teacher because she had sold out to their students (Seymour-Jones, Carole (2008). A Dangerous Liaison. Arrow Books).

of sell-out for his human experiments on David Reimer became famous, child molesters genderistische Money sexually to his victim, ultimately, inter alia, committed suicide and why. John Money was prove that sex only learned and was arbitrarily changeable. Later, Alice Schwarzer and would use other feminists that terrible, but ultimately failed experiment as proof of the equality feminism .

The feminist Eve Ensler described her work in "Vagina Monologues" as an adult lesbian a thirteen-year-old girl with alcohol and makes it amenable to sex forces. Yes, they are sometimes on it, our feminists!

feminist Germaine Greer also had a special liking to minors. Sun described in her book "Boy" that they like to look at pictures of young boys and requested that this is a right for should be all women.

Eva Herman perverse male image

But we come back to the original topic of this blog entry - the male image of Eva Herman. In the sixth week of the World September 2007, she was provided was an interview that "saves Eva Herman, the men" with the title. Explicitly, it has been labeled as "anti-feminist bestseller author," the "party of the oppressed men" grab.

But then she pours dirt on the following "oppressed men," in which you want to be taken by these "anti-feminist author" so passionately Party:

is "I do believe that the woman can use its facilities more than a man a woman closer connected with the sky and is able to grasp intuitively more in hindsight as foresight. The men follow unconditionally in its clear simplicity of a woman if they love them. Then the woman the power to control the man. "

That stupid, anti-male shit might as well be in the EMMA or any other feminist dirt sheet!

Since upright man, a smile only lukewarm.

goods but through the eons it out only the men who support this planet than Western culture, the civilized and have brought modernization. But there were men who set out to new continents and exploring outer space. They included curiosity, just as intuition for what is possible and supposedly impossible as the willingness to bring tremendous sacrifices. While the women are always good behind the backs of these brave pioneers hidden - even to this day they cry for women's advancement and gender equality measures because it alone can not get the strong, emancipated women baked man.

All the prophets and spiritual dimensions, which laid the foundations for Western culture were, men! So much for divine union.

Given will this overwhelming facts straighten me any blonde in a time where the state after wearing the women of all shit upon when needed and in which more and more men these women, the middle finger and would rather Single be serious some of the "simplicity" of the man tell?

She also mentioned a single word with the numerous and unacceptable discrimination against a man in Germany and worldwide. Not once did they mention feminism as the cause of debt - on the contrary! You will not escape the impression that they would have for feminism simply took a little bit the wrong direction and that now, since women are unhappy because, should take corrective action.

But the oppressed men, for whom this alleged Antifeministin party pretends to take to interest them at best marginal. And although probably only if the re-education femigenderistische threatens the daughters of the "real men" deny - because these re-education is the only concrete, which she criticizes the feminism really is. Then suddenly, this "Antifeministin" that is mainly revolves around themselves, their pregnancy, their four divorced parents, her kitchen and her belly button, really active and railed against feminism - not because of the numerous male victims, but because the happiness of her person and of women in general cuts.

Such "Antifeministin" does not require the true anti-feminism.


Eva Herman has unmasked himself as "conservative" feminist who is turning himself and the only really critical of feminism, when the Systemprofiteusinnen feel unhappy with him. They criticized him not because of the countless human injuries or men's discrimination, no, she likes feminism not because he is not the specific family and happiness of the poor understanding Eva Herman transported.

As if this massive, given the other problem areas of today's feminism would be relevant!

Eva Herman is another arbitrary gynozentrische feminist, brushed this time on pseudo conservative. The same perverse image of men, which of course any other feminist calls her own, will see to it deliberately in order to install it as a desperate anti-feminist icon can.

But we do not need !

We do not need women in the anti-feminist movement, which tell us where's to go long. We need no female rescuers want to redeem us. Just as the men's rights movement, the approval or oversight body would need any other female.

The anti-feminism is worn by men - not women gynozentrischen that revolve around themselves.

Down with Gynozentrismus!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ways To Clean A Car Cd

Why does anti-feminism?

Many people out there wondering why we are anti-feminists. You wonder why just now a strengthening anti-feminism has appeared on stage. Some may have heard already from one or other of maladministration or are even themselves covered, but in the larger context not aware of. Others have not yet made no thoughts and are surprised by our presence.

Below I will explain in detail why the anti-feminism exists and why it is needed urgently. Here I will expand on the individual level from the progressive point of view, until we finally traced all the facts set out on their common origin and thus can tell from the source, so the anti-feminism is necessary.

Individual level

Every man has at least once in his life asked, why must provide in a modern and equal society, only men military or civilian service , the women an earlier retirement age or widow pension. Everyone has been wondering why we hear all around, that nobody may be discriminated against because of sex, but men are still systematically one-sided laws only because of their gender disadvantage .

These disadvantages, which make every man, regardless of social position nseiner to be inclusive of the male-hostile and profemininen tension ("The future is female ") that accompanies all Male from the outset devalues and trivialized, while the female is enhanced and glorified.

Further, it goes with the fact that talk of overcoming the role models, however, during the positive aspects of the traditional roles of women just like to be kept. Also to celebrate the emancipation really, because if women are to move forward, but by men in an emergency (especially women) are still expected that they will sacrifice himself for his wife and child and play the main breadwinner in the family. Women demand for the benefits of any change between the traditional roles and the modern role of freedom, where they to socialize the disadvantages and hardships of both systems over the state on society to try.

general has expanded in recent decades, the female right attitude in spite of countless unilateral privileges and state care more and more, while the men Bedürfnisartikuliation blocked and ridiculous is made. This one notices some women in everyday life to well if you include their attitude regarding violence against men observed or compulsory service and their tendency to shift responsibility.

The condescending Art , talk to not a few women (and many a man) on the Community of the men speaks volumes (more on that later).

women are the most privileged people in the West

risks for men

far we have discussed general impressions, which have noticed that most people in the West more or less or affected. But what is more aware of many less, are the many pitfalls and dangers, which holds our society ready for unwary men.

frauenbegünstigende laws allow so one-sided that the allegation of sexual harassment and rape as a weapon of women can be used against unwanted men. This happened countless times and is currently one hand, in case Kachelmann and in the matter concerning Julian Assange clear. In both cases there is no evidence but only subjective, emotionalised of possible revenge motives statements colored women, but to bring the men involved months of imprisonment, financial ruin, social and professional finish. This practice is often even by the lax or lack of punishment by the Falschbeschuldigerinnen the judiciary throughout the West and favored by a clear woman preferring judiciary (see also the quote from Judge Vultejus ) and amplified male suspicious border Zeitgeist .

The fact that this is a serious risk for men, is shown in the figures of the American organizations RADAR and German police, which states that more than half of all allegations of sexual harassment are false. In Sweden, the accusation of rape is even already become such a popular sport that due to a very broad definition of rape a of Europe's highest number of rape complaints is reached.

distinctions also have ready for men unpleasant surprises that lead from the alienation of children from father to child deprivation, allegations of abuse of revenge, financial ruin and a greatly increased risk of suicide (page 3). In German-speaking countries and in most Western countries it is clearly the woman who divorces at all the aces up its sleeve. Ensures a well-lubricated, experienced industry workers, biased judicial systems and one-sided youth services, who see the man at the root of all evil (see later).

When men are victims of domestic violence, you can assume that they are not helped by the government and by officials and acquaintances even be ridiculed . Violence against men is not in this society as particularly in need of attention and when it is also perpetrated by women, it is only right, or even concealed explicitly promoted. Due to a unilateral Violence Protection Act, men in a case of domestic violence on principle and branded as perpetrators out of their flat referenced, although it has long been scientifically underpinning is that draw women as often and as brutal as men on domestic violence !

In many countries there is also much more difficult for potential fathers , paternity tests carried out outside of court proceedings. Frequently these are illegal and must obtain the consent of the mother. Thus the problem of children cuckoo, which clearly arises from the misconduct of the mothers, artificially kept alive and the father is injured in his rights and his dignity. It is thus easy to foist male children because they have no way from the obligations of parenthood is to refrain ( forced paternity ), as the mothers through adoption or abortion approval granted generously.

These are the main dangers lie in wait for careless men in our society who have the most far too little awareness. commit

women as domestic violence as men

society level and the zeitgeist

The individual experiences of a man and the possible risks for men can be integrated seamlessly in a suitable Zeitgeist with a corresponding image men that will be borne by the various organs. Generally, it is striking that equal rights should apply only to women's interests ("Equality of Women"), while men discrimination will not be touched in spite of massive violation of equal rights. This bias not only in the designation of German ministries (" Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth " - for all except men) system, as we shall see.

Since quotas for women introduced and discussed , libraries and Clubs built just for women, women parking set up, promotion of women extended , neighborhood built just for women installed , development aid for women only (p. 11) and much more exclusive for women only. Not a few men ask themselves again and again, why only women should enjoy this one-sided offers and betterment, finally, that such measures if they would unilaterally apply only to men, give a huge outcry.

These unilateral Frauenbevorzugungen be accompanied by countless media articles , the women in a positive and put men in a negative light. As men of female politicians as a development need, half being be shown to kill films with an invitation to all men, turned, against young fathers rushed in party manifestos men humanity denied , open commitments to men hate celebrated , men with monkeys be compared, men hate maintained and books about the destruction of all men cult. The list could be endless.

The advertising is increasingly focused on women and men evaluate regularly reduced. Where violence against men by women required men as furniture converted , men abused as a bottle in PET collection given , male heads as a cleaning utensil or plans with the money in life insurance after the death of his father forged .

amazed at many of these texts and broadcasts regularly open mind people, that their statements may indeed be addressed very well against men, but women never be addressed in such a defamatory manner.

Although the emancipation of women should have been completed, benefit women even more heavily on the social redistribution of the state. You pay a substantially less, but get this a lot more back. Be it welfare, pension, cash operations or support - you can safely say that even unmarried, not all women with a dependent men generously co-fund through their taxes.

are still alarming because only the 1.5 million abortions per year in Europe.

abominable male image in advertising

ideology and work of feminism

This ideology has to install a huge bureaucracy out feminism, which has affected all sectors of society and influences. Be it the divorce industry, by youth services on courts (see quote by Judge Vultejus under "legal favor") to the psychological counseling (page 4, second section) and the police (page 2, Violence Protection Act "The club is that is beaten") each aspect of the marriage, impose their feminist ideology. All public institutions are permeated by the feminist ideology , which is government-funded Gender Mainstreaming in equality officers in all areas of the state and in immoderate advancement of women at the expense of the men manifested .

is this on the side of feminism with lies , bias , half truths , unscientific and brazen justification mesh worked, what criticism is to bring this government re-education and actively promoted injustice to silence. Systematically rights of individuals are removed contrary to the Western understanding of the law in favor of illegitimate rights of groups. Domestic Violence of feminism on one side than male violence declared. The presumption of innocence is actively undermining and higher legal rates are shamelessly broken. For years, one unilateral promoted girls in schools even though the problems were and discrimination of boys in educational areas already known at the latest.

served this case, the dominant feminist flow - the equality or equality feminism - the gender ideology that actively biological sexuality as constructed and considered pathogenic and this to abolish by force from an early measures . In kindergarten boys therefore be forced into girls clothes and makeup , young people from anti-male organizations in their male dignity injured and many more measures are aimed at taking away men and women of their sexuality.

It is also shamelessly further advancement of women with gender mainstreaming pushed , so that for example in the third world, only women are offered aid and micro credit available or that sick women preferred against sick men can get treatment.

Feminism is far more an exotic world in some classrooms, but an active-sponsored ideology that has corrupted every aspect of our society and open men hate cultured .

disadvantage the feminist divorce men

urgency of a anti-feminism

Since all of the enumerated phenomena from the individual to the community level directly or at least indirectly in feminism its cause have is the time for a broad-based anti-feminism come.

It takes a movement that is the men's hatred and the corrupting influence of feminism in all its forms and facets opposes and together with the women true equal rights and equal duties with immediately seeking a level playing field between men and women . A movement that takes seriously the equality of the sexes.

This requires first and foremost criticism of ideology and general education about the facts and lies of feminism. The more people know about the injustices and abuses of feminism, the more likely the anti-feminism is to succeed. Here, we each do its part by men suffered hostility in our environment and not simply refute feminist lies with facts, where they contribute to manifest ever.

More and more men and women wake up and resist against a rampant feminism. Thus, anti-feminist groups are and 2010 there was even the first international anti-feminism meeting, attended by men and women from around the world.

For fifty years feminism are definitely enough!

The time has come!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Music Workstation Funiture

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Second Chance Banking In Belleville Illinois

SCANDAL! kicked out of René Kuhn from the Lucerne party section!

The leading figure of the anti-feminism in Switzerland, even in German speaking, today was surreptitiously from the Lucerne SVP kicked out after that party for years faithfully as Kantonalrat and even as party president Lucerne section had been used. We conclude this hero of the men's rights movement "in the interests of Switzerland" of how the feminist contaminated Daily News writes, because his statements were about ugly feminists to honest pithy for the left media and its commitment to develop in a direction that is not agree with the city party leave.

Eifrig reported the entire Swiss media about this event .

The enormous media interest is not surprising - but was also the first international anti-feminism meeting that was organized by Rene Kuhn and his entourage, an incredible media event in the world.

cut in the foot

acts with this decision, the Chair of the section Lucerne contrary to the perception of men and women at the base of the entire SVP, how could we start again on recent meetings of members of our anti-feminism experienced in meeting that week. For anti-feminism is not just a newfangled phenomenon or a cheap fashion that is listed on the decadent stages - no! You speisst by the growing popular dissatisfaction with the rampant ideology of feminism.

oneself recklessly disregard this growing antipathy is therefore not only profoundly undemocratic, but also foolish and irresponsible! Because it is not the left media, which are to select the SVP politicians, but those men and women in the nation, those of feminism from day to day only . Disgusts more

Anxious "bourgeois"

We have thus dealing with cowards - with real "civil" as those found otherwise only in the CVP and the FDP, which before the fragile power of the left wing media conglomerate and the state feminism tremble and bow with early obedience to the feminist zeitgeist.

And why?

because they had old 68s feel that the published opinion is people actually think! We have Swiss are now at the anti-minaret initiative, and seen again at the deportation initiative that surveys and media articles are a far cry away from the mood of the people! This is in terms of anti-feminism as the case.

such unworldly cowards do not fit into a rechtslibertäre SVP, which provides otherwise, in many areas, valuable work.

We are from the anti-feminist organization already working to prepare a fiery press release that will only make these black sheep and their folly.

anti-feminism as a recipe for success

But what does Rene Kuhn himself to that?

He is not surprised by this decision, but he has repeatedly expressed to us about that individual persons of the party leadership Lucerne's SVP section "the pants were full of" if it were to feminism and that incidents like this are more personal than parteideologischer nature. Anyway, the simple advocacy of men's rights well now against the interests of Switzerland, he said sarcastically.

Anyway, we will demonstrate in the coming years that we have with anti-feminism on the political stage not only success but also to win elections.

We are not dependent on a few anxious province boobies with limited horizon and short-term thinking.

not saw off the branch on which you sit!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Whats Cytherea Doing?

What I find so great about women arsenic-based III

closer to me again the times in which I deal more with the more difficult things again in a lifetime. The tests have started again and I do not know how regularly I can still blog. Although I always try again to update my blog - but I can not guarantee a constant frequency. As soon as my exams are due in February, I'll be back to blogging regularly. Then I'll have time for some new ideas I've ever pushed in front of me.

But now let us with beautiful Things distract (r) n.

Estella Warren

Gisele Bundchen

Heidi Klum

Irina Sheik

Laetitia Casta

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Where Gay Guys Cruse On Long Island

The discovery by microorganisms

has just given NASA announced that its astrobiology department the bacterium with the terrestrial Name GFAJ-1 has discovered, which was the first known organism's biochemistry in the element phosphorus is replaced by arsenic.

This exotic micro-organism was found in Mono Lake in California. This is a lake that is three times saltier than seawater and which has high arsenic concentrations.

Previously it was thought that all life on Earth was always composed of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, hydrogen, oxygen and phosphorus, the six blocks of living matter. The biomolecules of all organisms consist of most of these six elements. But now it has been found that one of these essential elements can be replaced by arsenic.

This has enormous implications for our understanding of life here on Earth and other planets.

The experiment

quite some time, some scientists have speculated about the substitution of phosphorus by arsenic. They decided to test this hypothesis, and conducted the following experiment.

you created a selective nutrient medium which contained no phosphorus contained, but high concentrations of arsenic. They added a sample from the Mono Lake and see if certain microorganisms still could live. Normally, in this hostile broth can survive anything, but this particular bacterium called GFAJ-1 not only survived, but began to grow even higher.

The phosphorus-free, arsenic-rich environment of the experiment was therefore ideal for GFAJ-1, as it had for any other life form lethal effects. Due to this hurdle (the lack of phosphorus) could allow scientists to exclude all others micro-organisms and unattractive feed selectively (selective) feeding ourselves up with the medium by microorganisms such as arsenic-based GFAJ-1, and grow.

phosphorus and arsenic

phosphorus is a limiting factor for all life because it is one of the six essential building materials for the traditional form of terrestrial life. ATP (power broker), DNA (carrier of genetic information), NADH (electron transport molecule) and many other biomolecules are phosphor. All life is therefore dependent on phosphorus - without phosphorus is the most we do not known life possible. Industrially useful phosphorus is a scarce commodity on this planet, because it can be promoted worldwide only a few places and it is the foundation of the modern food supply as a component of fertilizers.

arsenic behaves chemically similar to phosphorus, since it has the same number of electrons in the valence shell. This is made clear that phosphorus and arsenic in the periodic table in the same main group are (among themselves). Just as arsenic, phosphorus may enter into with its five valence bond similar situations, so that these two atoms can be replaced easily with one another.

This principle of chemical similarity, based on similar electron distributions in the outermost shell left, early researchers to speculate if there was not life based on silicon, which has instead of carbon as the most common element silicon. The substitution of carbon by Sililzium has been not found. But it could now prove at least that another of the six major building blocks of life can be replaced - and thus the equivalent principle for the essential building blocks of life is a fact.

of the specificity of GFAJ-1

What is so special about GFAJ-1? It is the first documented life form to use at all biomolecules instead of phosphorus arsenic. His DNA, are ATP and all the other important molecules are thus built up completely different than the previously known life on this earth.

date was not known DNA that would be just as stable and functional with arsenic instead of phosphorus, such as the already-known original. What are the chemical characteristics and new biological properties resulting from this substitution? Influenced the reading of the replacement of the genes? It gives the body new opportunities? As it can cope with the toxicity of arsenic? These organisms can be used for new disruptive technologies such as wastewater treatment or Phosphorrecyclierung?

It is as if we are first confronted with shirts made of synthetical fibers that make our recent clothing made of cotton and wool fibers completely in the shade and attract new, ingenious features.

is demonstrated in this video how the orange phosphorus atoms are replaced in the models of DNA, the NADH and ATP by green arsenic atoms, then represent that they are completely new biomolecules from GFAJ-1:


The detection of GFAJ-1 throws a fascinating new light on the versatile and highly adaptable life. Although it is still propagated is a terrestrial organism, but he shows us that huge difference, even right at our doorstep on discovery yet waiting.

Just as societies, are all living microorganisms and external (scientific writable) subject to constraints, which dictate the scope of societies and which creatures and they adapt and overcome with a little luck they may even. While all other bacteria die, it creates GFAJ-1 to survive in an environment free of phosphorus. It's like watching a company here when they first built a working aircraft and taken to heaven for mankind.

pull as far-reaching consequence of this finding must be well aware that it is not the atomic identity the building blocks of life, which make them essential, but their number bonds to which they are capable and general chemical behavior. Obviously, elements with similar bonding properties and similar chemical properties can be exchanged almost at will in life, if the environmental conditions forced by natural selection, the organisms in a particular direction

Concretely. It is, in principle, no matter whether it is a phosphorus atom or an arsenic atom acts as both have almost identical chemical properties and can thus meet the requirements of life when the environment is the way of life compels.

So that one can almost expect that we will take in the vastness of the universe to life forms that use depends on the nature of their surroundings silicon instead of carbon instead of oxygen or selenium.

What kind of a fascinating world we live.

Mono Lake in California - the home of GFAJ-1