Monday, January 31, 2011

Cost To Fix Prolapsed Dog

Russian report on the IGAF with German / English subtitles

appeared some time ago a Russian reporter in our team on which was interested in the growing strength, Swiss anti-feminism to Rene Kuhn. The result was a half-hour report on Russian television. With the help of some of our people who speak Russian, the report has been provided with German subtitles. To enable the global distribution, we have now produced a version with English subtitles.

Part I, with German subtitles:

Part II with German subtitles:

Part I, with English subtitles:

Part II, with English subtitles:

I have already made contact with Fidel arc, an American who runs the anti-feminist blog "Counter-Feminist." He will ensure that these videos will be placed on the most visited websites of the American men's movement.

The truth shattered the feminist lies

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Inti Live View / - Axis

World Week article on the Swiss divorce law

In the world output of 20 weeks January there was an exemplary anti-feminist article with some very good assets for much-needed reform of the Swiss divorce law. Next Thursday World Week is the way to report on our shelter Action!

Since our (now clarified) little incident a while ago with the World Week, in which we have a stone in the board. Libertarian forces must stick together after all.


wants down to the last shirt

Simonetta Sommaruga Divorced press right up to the subsistence level. The opposite would be true. Modern women do not need child support, they can work.

By Alex Baur

Not even a hundred days in office, Justice Minister rises Simonetta Sommaruga (SP) with force in the battle of the sexes. If it were up to their will, divorced partners should in future may even be obliged to pay maintenance, the press, their livelihoods Unters statutory minimum subsistence level. As such, the template is gender neutral, in practice it will be especially divorced men who pay and receive the women. Trostpflästerli as the man is rewarded for bringing a little more say.

The subsistence minimum in Switzerland is not a fixed size, it is defined somewhat differently in each canton. This is reasonable, finally, the cost of living is not the same everywhere. As a rule of thumb, the gross income is from monthly 3,000 francs for a single person to be untouchable. Best placed are usually welfare recipients, defaulting borrowers have tended to make do with less. Divorced men are now somewhere in the middle. New they are to the very bottom in the open down pecking order.

For years, feminists and feminists are trying to grind this last protection. In their opinion the man should apply for social assistance if he no longer meet the maintenance obligations can. According to current legislation must make the woman in this case, the request for assistance. This is relevant insofar as welfare funds must be repaid in theory, if, for example by a legacy, the financial circumstances improve. The argument may be evident at first glance even. But the consequences would be disastrous. Because that would be lost for many divorced women in the last incentive to meet their own livelihood.

Sommaruga advance is at odds with the social developments. The autonomous professional woman who financed their own life, has long been the rule. But in the course of a separation, the woman unexpectedly mutates back to Huscheli that can not live without the wages of the man, the most time at the stove and, if available, fully professionally dedicated to the rearing of offspring. Workers of parents, child minders, nurseries and Be heard by the rule for voluntary exception.

The legislature tried to verwedeln by the contradictions of gender neutral language. The partner who earns more and that's just with today's popular bi-national marriages often, here are the women - has after the breakup of the financially worse-off support in principle. The question of guilt is excluded under applicable law is well known. This saves the judge but unpleasant decisions will, in practice, but always abutting results. Women also risk today, a parasite who perhaps robbed of the best years, they lied and deceived, continued after separation to have to finance.

Absolutely no child support

The famous Zurich divorce lawyer Renzo Guzzi postulated, therefore, due to its rich experience, a radical simplification of the divorce law, which can be reduced to three points:

1 - After the divorce, in principle, no partner something more from the other benefit everyone gets back what he has achieved his own hand. Reason: Especially since the question of guilt remains open, would be much strife, avoid frustration, but also useless academic effort.

2 - The alimony for the children to be a minimum reduced or cut altogether. Reason: Children are no wrongs, but a benefit, their education may cost, but whoever wins, has a privilege. If the child care business is no more unnecessary is, most disputes over custody, suffered by the children the most.

3 - who files the divorce should bear the cost of the procedure. Reason: Today, most divorces are filed by women because they generally benefit the most from them also, the true costs would provide recreation.

Guzzi proposals would not divorce only radically simplify and reduce the cost. They would also eliminate many inequities that were created artificially on the legalization of marriage. Getting married and having children for couples that could once again become a tempting option.

The promise of marriage from a male point of view is similar to a climbing without ropes: for gamblers a stimulating challenge to recommend to the average citizen with caution. In a misstep threatens destruction. With such prospects should not be surprised if many Swiss men, if they marry at all, the domestic Emanze prefer exotic, at least before they ruin the potential still cooks. A growing number of single women can meanwhile, exasperated by the eternal wait, sometimes a running up with a prince who reveals his true face, sometimes only after receiving the C-permit. This is the flip side of the battle of the sexes, in which there is, apart from a few profiteers, on balance, only losers.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Creatine Headaches With Exersion

SCANDAL! Feminist justice wants to silence anti-feminists!

Once again, the organized anti-feminism struck and presented to the state feminism before all the people. Sent we placed in the media threatening to publish all hitherto secret addresses of the eighteen women's shelters in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, so that people know where there is in Switzerland with state funds Men inciting hatred, broken families and feminist bias is preached. At the same time, we called on our supporters to send us the addresses of shelters and demanding the transformation of women's shelters in family homes for male and female victims of violence.

were within a few hours the media in brighter riot and they wrote the fingers to the bone if our latest action against the state of feminism. Even the snooty, "bourgeois" NZZ, for which we previously were probably too trashy, as they would have us even mentioned once, writes now following in their cramped Article:

"So far, it was usually not taken quite seriously. Interessengemeinschaft antifeminism A notice on the website on 18 January, the secret address to publish the women's shelters in Switzerland, left no doubt it openly that she is dead serious. "

As if everything else so far in the eyes of a non-binding NZZ just been fun for in between.

Feminist controlled judiciary

Obviously, the state is exactly the same views on feminism, because it has a for Swiss Justice remarkably unusual speed obtained a "temporary super" available with which you want to force us to cease publication of the addresses. Fathers have to go to court for years and invest a fortune in order to have a faint hope that their child ever to see again, but if the feminists need the judiciary, given to them in less than a day instead.

What proof you need to see yet that the state feminism Justice in Switzerland has a firm grip? How are clearly shown, the feminist influence on the courts that, although a mere formulation of a law enforcement without the need of the same already such a desperate show of force causes the archenemy?

But why this sudden anxiety where it has taken us so far "not usually very serious?" Why such a blind and bare activism, anti-feminists who try to make us a paltry way to silence?

shelters - State hotbeds of feminist hate men

There are good reasons why the feminists have got cold feet.

Finally, do not live a few Sozialpädogogen, psychologists and other Umerziehler of the support leg of state feminism, which claims to feminist with a Attitude to work - and that generous at the expense of the taxpayer across Europe. Efficient domestic violence is seen as a male, the victims are of course only women. This is not surprising, since the institution of refuge was a few decades of feminists boarded - with desperate consequences for us all, as Erin Pizzey, founder of the first women's shelter know to report.

fact that more than two thirds of all inmates of a women's shelter in the section itself to violence and a fall large part of it even violence on its own initiated is studiously ignored. The fact that the Domestic violence affects men just as often and as brutal and these are therefore dependent on the same level of assistance, one would not admit in this Indoktrinationsstätten . And what with all these crimes and the rapt zerworfenen is done to children, willing to see the benefit of a cynical ideology.

Also from the inhumane conditions in some shelters, former employees know to report. Some time ago Manndat in Germany has set out in detail how unprofessional and disgraceful to women's shelters are operated there. Whether by Swiss Feminists run houses in very different ways are? It is ultimately the same structures, the same kind of people the same ideology and miserable!

How should continue to come to the million in funding with inhuman consequences when suddenly it turned out that there quartered women and that men are not angels dämonisert systematically despite the same size requirements and are excluded from assistance? How can one justify the feminist bias even more, if that last as a reason for broken families, children of illegal deprivation and bitter divorce wars is exposed?

family homes rather than shelters

It is therefore high time that women's shelters to be closed and replaced by ideology-free facilities for victims of domestic violence, which are open to both sexes without any restrictions. Also, these companies are subject to tight government control and operate with transparency, so that no ideology can lurk all over again.

By the way, we therefore make another supporting leg of the state feminism, which has eaten into already too deep in the Swiss government apparatus.

In light of these facts we are these "super temporary" do not let us sit on, but for publishing the addresses of shelters go to court . For too long we have let us harass men from feminism, so we are a ridiculous injunction by the state feminism no longer stay.

brothels instead of women's shelters!

Exemplary anti-feminist: Women's Home-Verarsche

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Panasonic Dvd Player Convert Region

Stupid Tuss excited about women's domestic action on

I am just come across a body of a feminist what about our refuge action misses. I hate to say rarely, but here it is true, nothing understood, and no idea. Let's start with the refutation. ?

" the man as a victim

Last week they struck again. The anti-feminists to" Pretty Boy "Rene Kuhn strange thing to find the Lionheart

a list. addresses of shelters they wanted to publicize it could be cleaned up to this alleged training camps for the men's hostility to last. "

is supposedly good. There are numerous reports on the feminist attitude and men fueled hostility in women's refuges.

"well-much ado about nothing, but still: I know someone who had so seek a shelter - fifteen years she still had to endure the blows of her husband, in the hope that it will be better."

Then this woman - if it exists - one big exception. For the vast majority of women in refuges initiated domestic violence or fighting back, at least. The scientific studies have demonstrated .

"Until now I had the association of Anti-feminists rather ridiculed. So much driven by personal, deep-rooted frustration and sheer hatred of the women who left that gender equality offices, seemed to me not really capable of fruitful discussion "

course, frustration, hatred of women, etc. -.. Missing is the too short penis.'s funny that they left out the.

Why you should also deal with the serious abuses of feminism ? It's much easier for the critic simply blame frustration and hatred of women!

"But now it not only shook me about this statement, but according to readers' letters and many more critical feminism Man "

I want to insinuate anything, but I suspect that there who also plays a certain lack of awareness about prevailing conditions in and around shelters.

" It is fair to criticize certain situations, without calling for violence. "
Where we call for violence

"You can and should - as a man above all - analyze the male image of today. You can find a bad divorce law and the principle of "walking dads" who get their children only once every few weeks to face. "

But of course you are allowed your male image question - but only as we do the feminists ! And the present term divorce is bad, it is thus not simply an option to find it bad. Of course you can see the quite different when one is Systemprofiteuse .

"It also needs shelters, which can find refuge from domestic violence at men. Sowa will not, however, if the roles are cemented by" feminine women "and calls for" real men "."

of which there are vanishingly few and they are not opposed to women's shelters funded by the princely state. And the last sentence again is nonsense - as opposed to the feminists we do not write any of the people on the role corsets by government pressure.

"And it will have to pay as long as the dads after divorce, to paid work and family work between men and women are equally distributed."

Is that a threat? Or induce desired causality? wife alimony is no ifs and buts abolished, as called for in the current world week - women are modern and emancipated enough to earn their money themselves - they must therefore not their laziness behind the outdated stereotype utility of the male hide.

"While the women have partially re-invented and expanded their options are, some men still trapped in the old social expectations of how a man should be, so he is a man."

This is primarily maintained by women - because they benefit from it most. But that would require you look beyond their own horizons can feminist.

"But where are the men who deal with it normal? Does it really frustrated, loud barking representative, or is this just the male equivalent at that women bra-burning and "tail-off"-Challenge? Does such a thing to be heard at all "

Countless men's organizations as Manndat, agent, IGM, team and many more have tried for decades to make themselves heard - but were all of the feminists, the judicial and . the media ignored and ignored and now they are the anti-feminists - to blame

"I hope that at last a reasonable mix of men and fathers' movement in the discussion.. One which is not too bad to talk delicate, unpleasant issues - but at a certain Level. One who can meet as equals - and must. One that does not per se have an "anti" with the name. "

had When the feminist movement interested ever for its level and intelligence. You see themselves to only the pseudo-scientific ideologies of the matriarchy and the Genderismus to, if you want to make sure the abuses of feminist "intelligence." Or the abysmal men hate feminism to gather information on the level of feminism.

It is therefore not followers of an obsolete feminism, about the level of other Judging.

"And you can not just dismiss as an extreme patriarchal spinners who are not" serious. "

But obviously, these "extreme patriarchal Spinner" seriously enough to get it before them in the pants, and to devote an entire article, huh?

Thus we see that in the 21st Century, the followers of feminism, despite increasingly strong backlash stubbornly refuse to learn and to question their own position before they open their mouth.

feminism: I do not know and understand nothing

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Klaviernoten Emily Haines

Direct Action 2011

For years we drove us around the internet and wrote down our anger. Almost no one took us to see and those who did thought nothing of it. We were considered unimportant and harmless - a curious hodgepodge of men and women, free from the feminist brainwashing in an uncontrollable, chaotic space beyond the well-behaved obedient feminism, public opinion.

But that has changed everything.

Since first international meeting of anti-feminism we are on the offensive. We left the twilight of the Internet are entered into the public spotlight and have at the foot of Mount Olympus Zeitgeist buried. Slowly but surely we are working our way up and displace the feminists from the throne.

Direct actions

be again this year, we make sure that the anti-feminism is all the rage. Finally, generate public attention to new members, additional financial resources, more contacts and they will attack the morality of feminism. Already one of our more than 130 club members and the community of interest includes thousands of sympathizers. Is formed with time, a vast network of informers and spies, which passes through Switzerland, and more completely.

It stands or falls with the public Attention you get at best by those concrete deeds that take feminism sensitive to his weaknesses. Here we aim especially vulnerable to the state feminism. In addition to the press outcry is obtained by the admiration and respect of the people who had been sit idly by as the feminist society corrupted.

The pillory

We at IGAF set up a pillory on our homepage, where all those judges and officials made that break the law by saying anti-male and implement decisions. We will work names, addresses and crimes of those responsible post with picture, so that they realize once and for all that feminist inhumanity is not worth it and will be punished by the anti-feminism.

If you have files and dossiers on anti-male actions of the authorities and the judiciary in the German words, then let them come to us. We will view them, summarize and put into the net. Already, the authorities are threatening to feminist injunctions in the desperate hope that this would intimidate us.

The refuge action

as a hotbed of feminist indoctrination and hoards of Falschbeschuldigerinnen form the Women's Refuge is an important pillar of state feminism. Although domestic violence is exercised by both sexes in the frequency and magnitude in the same, there are few men's houses. This is in contrast to the numerous, largely financed by the state women's shelters, which keep their addresses secret.

It adds to the state feminism and administrative fianziellen massive damage when the addresses of shelters in the network is accessible to all. The feminists, it will think twice now if they want to keep secret from the taxpayers supported Indoktrinationsstätten before the people. So who knows where one of the 18 shelters located in Switzerland, is to get in touch with me or with the IGAF and tell us the address. On occasion we will publish them consecutively.

Here you will find a list of all Swiss women's shelters with the rough locations, phone numbers and websites. We have already informed the press about our campaign and already we have several shelters threatened with court action. But we will not be intimidated by the state feminism.


These are just two of our current actions against feminism and published in 2011. Other actions will be announced on the occasion and prepared in secret. Besides the second international meeting of anti-feminism in the summer so a few more surprises in 2011 will make it a worthy successor to the fateful year of the anti-feminism .

only been for these two actions we have already received countless messages of approval from stakeholders and interested parties. Even some lawyers have already registered with us, we want to provide for required emergency assistance. There is nothing in the way, so that we can feminism in 2011 a fire under the butt.

direct action against the state of feminism

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tpes Of Pearl Izum Tights

short break

For me it goes in the next More weeks for the checks, so I probably will not come back to blogging. But in two weeks are also over.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of other anti-feminist blogs, so you certainly do not have to spend this time in extreme withdrawal symptoms.

See you again soon!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What Side Was Deborah Sampson On

House rules

you know that I have maintained for years a very lax handling of the comments. I have not intervened, discussed and fought as hard, or when people have been given each other on the cap. I have published more than a reminder now and then.

I have now decided to change this practice.

is now on there will be two simple house rules:

1) Who calls explicitly to physical violence, or

2) glorify such violence,

whose comments will be deleted without warning.

Nachwievor I will not intervene once it hard to go back and forth. You are men and you have the arguments and the backbone of verbal play to each and every feminist poodle on the wall. Also, polarizing political discussions, I will not moderate as we sit here not in a politically correct editorial office, which writes the people over.

I too would find it very great, if any Anonymous of you a nickname growing steadily, so that you can identify it. This is optional and you must register for it anywhere, but if its your contributions to always overwrite the same pseudonym, then you can assign the content better. Then I have that is not always "Anonymous, January 4, 2011 13:18 " answer, but as "Nippelkneifer78" or what I know. As I said: This is optional, but simplifies the discussion somewhat.

I abhor censorship, but even more I detest the abuse of freedom as a license for extremely anti-social behavior. I know we are not angels all of you here and I will also not Knigge abverlangen (which I leave to other blogs), but leads to the two house rules from now on no way.


comments are very important to me, criticism of any kind is interesting for me because it allows me a different perspective that I did not know you. Therefore, I do not intend to abolish or somehow restrict the comment option.

I know many of you have bad experiences because of feminism and has been building up because of enormous rage. I can not be directly affected as the difficult to see properly. However, I see it as my job, this pent-up anger in to draw constructively, so that on one hand all the men and women by overcoming of feminism benefits and also enables the people to be able to overcome their yoke.

But if some of you begin to describe how their old a purely cut or how they have dealt with people because of whatever, then that is something for psychiatrists - not for here.

violence as a political tool

Direct physical violence for us is not a political instrument as it legitimizes our cause and therefore feminism alive longer holds. You can reach not only with no direct violence, on the contrary, it strengthens the position of the enemy even as our society in solidarity with mostly weak.

I'm certainly not a pacifist. Also, I am deliberately now and then and likes martial metaphors and allegories to my texts a to miss something more dramatic note . But these are provocative style means no Handungsanweisungen - even if small-minded to it disturb


We have the arguments and the facts on our side.! We are a growing movement that is gaining influence and popularity. I know it is only a small consolation for all the suffering that you inflicted feminism, but here and now, everything changes! Each one of you can make its constructive contribution to that feminism disappeared even faster from the scene.

wasted with excessive violence fantasies you only your time and neglected the men and women out there who are waiting for our help. I therefore ask you not for me or someone else, but for our cause, to comply with the House Rules.

Merkel had no chance on my blog

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ski Shoes For Bigger Calf?

2010: The Year of the fate of anti-feminism - a review

We have a tumultuous and ground-breaking year behind us. One year, in which not only in German-speaking tremendous progress made in the fight against feminism, but also internationally . In order not to lose track and make that future generations of anti-feminists get a picture of this crucial year, can I try this the most important events and players of this young revolution described.


Everything started when Rene Kuhn of a three-week trip to Russia to Switzerland returned, and it noted that Russian women appeared much sleeker than Swiss women. This wrote it in July 2009 following fateful sentence on his blog:

"Not so in Switzerland, where day by day this left untended," matted "See women need to exude absolutely no femininity."

Within a few days, this Ausage spread through all the media in the whole of Switzerland, which took up the message with thanks due to the gaping hole summer. A massive smear campaign broke out in the Rene Kuhn as a woman insults slanderer, with feces in the mailbox and was covered with death threats.

detail, he describes this time of shame for the Swiss media and feminism in his book "Return to the woman" and the inner transformation that shifted its priorities towards an active anti-feminism. At the time, had Manhood, ajk and I already met a few times and planned first actions when we came up with the idea to take Rene Kuhn and to exchange views with him.

A provocative formulated, but nevertheless correct comparison on a blog has been so for the fuze for the coming events that would form the starting point for the antifeministiche revolution.

The fateful year

In spring 2010, we met four of us and quickly realized that we could work well together. We formed the syndicate anti-feminism (short IGAF, here ) and Rene Kuhn built a home that was now filled with texts and news on the topic.

had recognized this we all know that the cause of countless problems in this society, directly or indirectly associated with feminism. We too had noticed that the previous men's organizations occurred to specific topics or to tame - and had so far achieved very little. It was the myriad legal discrimination against a man not acceptable if it were not first acknowledge the underlying ideology of the road.

We found so quickly as a group a clear position. The goal of our activities, the combat of the feminist ideology (especially the state feminism ) be the world in all its facets in Switzerland. We reject any kind of umerzieherischer gender politics, whether it discriminated against men or women or preferred. Our thematic focus in the fight against the legal discrimination against a man who has been actively promoted by feminism, or at least tolerated. It was not about a Return to the traditional role, but are to achieve equal rights and duties which men and women.

We thus meet not at all the feminist stereotype of the evil woman-haters who want to put the women back to the stove.

The first step should be the network that have established our first completely unknown force known in the scene and improve the collaboration is. It should initially be no more than a peaceful meeting with workshops and meetings. But the idea grew over time in our minds up to be an international conference at which media coverage across national borders and the anti-feminism Space should be given.

workshops instead we wanted to provide a platform for anti-feminist groups, who could discuss each invited group in a lecture problems and important aspects of our struggle.

reluctance of groups

So we started contact and initially met with mixed reactions. Some groups were convinced pretty quickly, but other groups creased at first. Some would even withdraw completely, despite positive early response. Why is this different


First, there are those Teams that were not yet sure exactly who we are. This is understandable, since we were still a young and unknown group and one was afraid to be photographed with the wrong people.

Second, there are also organizations that pursue an ideological program that does not provide for the abolition of gender politics and today's feminism, but seeks only a gentle correction to an additional men's politics. They do not destroy the means of oppression for the benefit of all, but use themselves, who of special interests. Re-education for these groups of people is not bad per se, as long as they expire on their own terms. Gender policy is a legitimate vehicle for them to their (inevitably one-sided) views of sexuality see realized.

The extent and the willingness of cooperation with us laid the ideological fixation of certain clubs open for all to see. But ultimately, we brought together six different speakers and we began to organize the details of the meeting. At that time we had no idea what this would be an ordeal.

turmoil and global attention

The time was up to the anti-feminism meeting marked by horrific scandals, bitter setbacks and anti-social riots (see here under Turbulent history "). Only our belief and the firm understanding that this meeting was absolutely necessary did, by talking.

Several times there were cancellations, postponements, acts of vandalism and other disasters, which increased the worldwide attention of the media immeasurably (see here ). With each report on us and the anti-feminism meetings were millions of people faced with the anti-feminism and learned for the first time that here was formed in Switzerland clear opposition to feminism and against the legal discrimination against a man.

only had this Events brought the concerns of the international men's rights movement and anti-feminism worldwide has never existed before them attention from all groups benefited - even those who refused, for ideological reasons to work with us. They irritated feminism significantly, forcing their representatives, a build legitimacy facade profeminist men's clubs, behind whose back they can hide. This Walter Hollstein wrote:

"In Germany, the policy recognizes the need to finance a" federal forum men, "in which the profeminist groups of the two churches, the Green combat and the SPD anti-feminist positions that could long defy the established women's and family policy. "

The last week before meeting again all would require of us, because we had to change the venue alone in such a short time several times. But all the adversities, threats and riots thought we were finally not depend on 30 October 2010 to hold the first international anti-feminism meeting.

The first international anti-feminism meeting

A rip-roaring success (for a description of the meeting was here ; final meeting here ) for The international men's rights movement and promoted the anti-feminism finally on the public stage. From now on, the feminists and the poodle would be in the defensive.

first met more than 150 warriors against feminism and got to know each other personally. Plans to develop cooperation were forged and friendships for life. The countless journalists and cameras made sure that this meeting was distributed over the globe. Although we had tried to conceal the venue as long as possible, he was due to a leak in the morning but the internet made known so that at noon a few Linksfaschos appeared to make cycling.

Worldwide was surprisingly factual reports on the meeting and addressed the problems of family policy in Switzerland and across Europe have been taken seriously. Negative press remained largely out.

It was clear to us that we had to repeat this meeting in the coming year necessarily. We collected comments and suggestions now began to make plans.


Shortly before the meeting was the anti-feminism anti-feminism founded club, which soon had more than 100 members and private donations. The association's purpose is to combat the feminist ideology worldwide, as one can read in the statutes . The last months of 2010 was spent building the club members and organized meetings with the clear intention to hold a general meeting in the spring. There we would elect a board that would organize other activities of the association.

René For Kuhn, this historic meeting had also political consequences. The Lucerne SVP section threw him out from the party, which led to turmoil within and outside the party. Was justified this step by saying that "his commitment to developing in a direction that is not agree with the city party leave. This, too, became a huge media spectacle and brought the club anti feminism dozens of new members and the community of interest Antifeminimus registrations now reaching several thousand.

this turbulent year of destiny approached the end. But his impact on the society and the men rights movement are solid and are a long time. For the first time got the men's rights movement and anti-feminism global gratuities, which brought all the huge upswing. Millions of men and women place now their hope in us and we are awaiting further action against the omnipresent feminist ideology.

But not only the public had the activities of IGAF Antifeminimustreffen and the serious effect - even within the men's rights movement, the events of 2010 again made clear how this rapidly growing movement and the views of their players but they are heterogeneous. Countless groups within and outside the men's rights movement are now trying to profit from the upswing and have positioned themselves accordingly. This year, all was not clear by what groups constructively to overcome the gender politics of feminism and thus is possible, and with what.

It will be exciting in every respect, as the history of men's rights movement in 2011 continues!

2010 was our year!