Many people out there wondering why we are anti-feminists. You wonder why just now a strengthening anti-feminism has appeared on stage. Some may have heard already from one or other of maladministration or are even themselves covered, but in the larger context not aware of. Others have not yet made no thoughts and are surprised by our presence.
Below I will explain in detail why the anti-feminism exists and why it is needed urgently. Here I will expand on the individual level from the progressive point of view, until we finally traced all the facts set out on their common origin and thus can tell from the source, so the anti-feminism is necessary.
Individual level
Every man has at least once in his life asked, why must provide in a modern and equal society, only men military or civilian service , the women an earlier retirement age or widow pension. Everyone has been wondering why we hear all around, that nobody may be discriminated against because of sex, but men are still systematically one-sided laws only because of their gender disadvantage .
These disadvantages, which make every man, regardless of social position nseiner to be inclusive of the male-hostile and profemininen tension ("The future is female ") that accompanies all Male from the outset devalues and trivialized, while the female is enhanced and glorified.
Further, it goes with the fact that talk of overcoming the role models, however, during the positive aspects of the traditional roles of women just like to be kept. Also to celebrate the emancipation really, because if women are to move forward, but by men in an emergency (especially women) are still expected that they will sacrifice himself for his wife and child and play the main breadwinner in the family. Women demand for the benefits of any change between the traditional roles and the modern role of freedom, where they to socialize the disadvantages and hardships of both systems over the state on society to try.
general has expanded in recent decades, the female right attitude in spite of countless unilateral privileges and state care more and more, while the men Bedürfnisartikuliation blocked and ridiculous is made. This one notices some women in everyday life to well if you include their attitude regarding violence against men observed or compulsory service and their tendency to shift responsibility.
The condescending Art , talk to not a few women (and many a man) on the Community of the men speaks volumes (more on that later).
women are the most privileged people in the West
risks for men
far we have discussed general impressions, which have noticed that most people in the West more or less or affected. But what is more aware of many less, are the many pitfalls and dangers, which holds our society ready for unwary men.
frauenbegünstigende laws allow so one-sided that the allegation of sexual harassment and rape as a weapon of women can be used against unwanted men. This happened countless times and is currently one hand, in case Kachelmann and in the matter concerning Julian Assange clear. In both cases there is no evidence but only subjective, emotionalised of possible revenge motives statements colored women, but to bring the men involved months of imprisonment, financial ruin, social and professional finish. This practice is often even by the lax or lack of punishment by the Falschbeschuldigerinnen the judiciary throughout the West and favored by a clear woman preferring judiciary (see also the quote from Judge Vultejus ) and amplified male suspicious border Zeitgeist .
The fact that this is a serious risk for men, is shown in the figures of the American organizations RADAR and German police, which states that more than half of all allegations of sexual harassment are false. In Sweden, the accusation of rape is even already become such a popular sport that due to a very broad definition of rape a of Europe's highest number of rape complaints is reached.
distinctions also have ready for men unpleasant surprises that lead from the alienation of children from father to child deprivation, allegations of abuse of revenge, financial ruin and a greatly increased risk of suicide (page 3). In German-speaking countries and in most Western countries it is clearly the woman who divorces at all the aces up its sleeve. Ensures a well-lubricated, experienced industry workers, biased judicial systems and one-sided youth services, who see the man at the root of all evil (see later).
When men are victims of domestic violence, you can assume that they are not helped by the government and by officials and acquaintances even be ridiculed . Violence against men is not in this society as particularly in need of attention and when it is also perpetrated by women, it is only right, or even concealed explicitly promoted. Due to a unilateral Violence Protection Act, men in a case of domestic violence on principle and branded as perpetrators out of their flat referenced, although it has long been scientifically underpinning is that draw women as often and as brutal as men on domestic violence !
In many countries there is also much more difficult for potential fathers , paternity tests carried out outside of court proceedings. Frequently these are illegal and must obtain the consent of the mother. Thus the problem of children cuckoo, which clearly arises from the misconduct of the mothers, artificially kept alive and the father is injured in his rights and his dignity. It is thus easy to foist male children because they have no way from the obligations of parenthood is to refrain ( forced paternity ), as the mothers through adoption or abortion approval granted generously.
These are the main dangers lie in wait for careless men in our society who have the most far too little awareness. commit
women as domestic violence as men
society level and the zeitgeist
The individual experiences of a man and the possible risks for men can be integrated seamlessly in a suitable Zeitgeist with a corresponding image men that will be borne by the various organs. Generally, it is striking that equal rights should apply only to women's interests ("Equality of Women"), while men discrimination will not be touched in spite of massive violation of equal rights. This bias not only in the designation of German ministries (" Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth " - for all except men) system, as we shall see.
Since quotas for women introduced and discussed , libraries and Clubs built just for women, women parking set up, promotion of women extended , neighborhood built just for women installed , development aid for women only (p. 11) and much more exclusive for women only. Not a few men ask themselves again and again, why only women should enjoy this one-sided offers and betterment, finally, that such measures if they would unilaterally apply only to men, give a huge outcry.
These unilateral Frauenbevorzugungen be accompanied by countless media articles , the women in a positive and put men in a negative light. As men of female politicians as a development need, half being be shown to kill films with an invitation to all men, turned, against young fathers rushed in party manifestos men humanity denied , open commitments to men hate celebrated , men with monkeys be compared, men hate maintained and books about the destruction of all men cult. The list could be endless.
The advertising is increasingly focused on women and men evaluate regularly reduced. Where violence against men by women required men as furniture converted , men abused as a bottle in PET collection given , male heads as a cleaning utensil or plans with the money in life insurance after the death of his father forged .
amazed at many of these texts and broadcasts regularly open mind people, that their statements may indeed be addressed very well against men, but women never be addressed in such a defamatory manner.
Although the emancipation of women should have been completed, benefit women even more heavily on the social redistribution of the state. You pay a substantially less, but get this a lot more back. Be it welfare, pension, cash operations or support - you can safely say that even unmarried, not all women with a dependent men generously co-fund through their taxes.
are still alarming because only the 1.5 million abortions per year in Europe.
abominable male image in advertising
ideology and work of feminism
This ideology has to install a huge bureaucracy out feminism, which has affected all sectors of society and influences. Be it the divorce industry, by youth services on courts (see quote by Judge Vultejus under "legal favor") to the psychological counseling (page 4, second section) and the police (page 2, Violence Protection Act "The club is that is beaten") each aspect of the marriage, impose their feminist ideology. All public institutions are permeated by the feminist ideology , which is government-funded Gender Mainstreaming in equality officers in all areas of the state and in immoderate advancement of women at the expense of the men manifested .
is this on the side of feminism with lies , bias , half truths , unscientific and brazen justification mesh worked, what criticism is to bring this government re-education and actively promoted injustice to silence. Systematically rights of individuals are removed contrary to the Western understanding of the law in favor of illegitimate rights of groups. Domestic Violence of feminism on one side than male violence declared. The presumption of innocence is actively undermining and higher legal rates are shamelessly broken. For years, one unilateral promoted girls in schools even though the problems were and discrimination of boys in educational areas already known at the latest.
served this case, the dominant feminist flow - the equality or equality feminism - the gender ideology that actively biological sexuality as constructed and considered pathogenic and this to abolish by force from an early measures . In kindergarten boys therefore be forced into girls clothes and makeup , young people from anti-male organizations in their male dignity injured and many more measures are aimed at taking away men and women of their sexuality.
It is also shamelessly further advancement of women with gender mainstreaming pushed , so that for example in the third world, only women are offered aid and micro credit available or that sick women preferred against sick men can get treatment.
Feminism is far more an exotic world in some classrooms, but an active-sponsored ideology that has corrupted every aspect of our society and open men hate cultured .
disadvantage the feminist divorce men
urgency of a anti-feminism
Since all of the enumerated phenomena from the individual to the community level directly or at least indirectly in feminism its cause have is the time for a broad-based anti-feminism come.
It takes a movement that is the men's hatred and the corrupting influence of feminism in all its forms and facets opposes and together with the women true equal rights and equal duties with immediately seeking a level playing field between men and women . A movement that takes seriously the equality of the sexes.
This requires first and foremost criticism of ideology and general education about the facts and lies of feminism. The more people know about the injustices and abuses of feminism, the more likely the anti-feminism is to succeed. Here, we each do its part by men suffered hostility in our environment and not simply refute feminist lies with facts, where they contribute to manifest ever.
More and more men and women wake up and resist against a rampant feminism. Thus, anti-feminist groups are and 2010 there was even the first international anti-feminism meeting, attended by men and women from around the world.
For fifty years feminism are definitely enough!
The time has come!
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