And once again the "time", with a very nice photo report and a detailed article on the Copts in Egypt.
Monday, March 7, 2011
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His opinion in brief:
2012 we will be better. We have plenty of scope for economic recovery. If there is an upswing in Europe, we are gotten as an emerging market, a larger portion of the pie. Banks are currently petrified. No one trusts the other, each seeking his life preserver. That is why we have so far not count on loans with which you could set the machine going again. That means you have to invest on its own cap. The citizen who runs a business pays thousands of people and ensures that they do not become unemployed and the government pay for it. The problem is the pensioners, government employees, but employs me not so. It is rather busy that you have thousands of creating opportunities for people to enter work. If there is no such possibility, the people are there with folded arms and you have to take billions in loans, so they get their reward. In this way we would soon be settled.
The bribery scandal at the customs surprised me: This is just a flash in the pan. We have known for 60 years, that what is at customs and the police happened to the rubbish bin. The press will not run a Schaufensterjournalimus, but each of us is obliged to demand the right which it enjoys and the authorities on compliance with the law, which are very good in Romania, there.
The government and the opposition need to put in the face of hard times, once at a table. President Basescu is to include all time on bread and water in a room and when will come out then the Lord PSD a scar on the face, have the Lord Liberal two teeth less, and Mr PDL a hand less, but they are a Marshall Plan come out.
In 20 years you can not create a political class, as in England, France or Germany. How we can do in football and the coach, should we let politicians do their jobs. And even if drastic and unpopular measures required. What was once started, can we run it.
No matter whether I am prime minister or pope, but I can not do anything. To overdo it: If I would accept the prime minister-Posten, I would tomorrow 5 German, 3 French, 2 Italians and I do not know much English, a team of 20 people who were paid only out of our pockets. What would the country? You sold the land ".
We've got a thing that is known as a market for influence, but in the over-speaking world" lobbying "is the name. We've got one thing that we call in our international relations, but in others it is a normal travel. You may not have any relations with its talk-time or business partners.
Did I forget the markets in the East? China is gone? Russia is gone? If the other republics, with which we had historical links disappeared? "
All my life I was Ion and stayed there. I like Romania, even if we have a difficult time right now, but I believe that Romania a huge space for progress, and sooner or later a Mini Teter is elected president, who was with his fist bangs the table and it achieved that in Romania's much more than has been the case.
Old man analyzes the Romanian politics
Information Source:
Adevarul - Ion Tiriac: "place Mie România IMI
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"My name Shahbaz Bhatti . I was born into a Catholic family. My father, a retired teacher, my mother, a housewife, have me to Christian values and brought the teachings of the Bible, which shaped my childhood.
From an early age it was natural to visit the church and the truths of faith and sacrifice and crucifixion of Jesus forming a deep to learn. It was Jesus love that led me to make my services available to the church. The terrible conditions in which the Christians lived in Pakistan shook me. I remember Good Friday, when I was only 13 years old: I heard a sermon about Jesus sacrifice for our salvation and for the salvation of the world. So I felt forced, as a response to give to these our brothers and sisters his love, my love, as I am in the Christian service agency, especially the poor, the needy and the persecuted who live in this Islamic country.
Would I were high and government offices offered so I give up my fight, but I have always rejected even at the risk of my own life. My answer was always the same: No, I want Jesus serve as a simple man.
This devotion makes me happy. I do not want popularity and not positions of power. I just wish a place to feet of Jesus. I want to talk my life, my character, for me and my actions show that I followed Jesus Christ . This desire is so great in me that I would feel chosen in my efforts for the needy, the poor and the persecuted Christians of Pakistan, when my Jesus Life as a victim would accept.
I want to live for Christ and for Him I will die. Therefore, I feel no fear in this country. Many times I wanted to kill or imprison the extremists. They threatened me, persecuted and terrorized my family. But I say: As long as I live, until my last breath, I will continue to serve Jesus and this poor, suffering humanity, the Christian, the needy, the poor.
I think that the Christians of the world that reached the 2005 hit by the earthquake disaster Muslims hand, bridges of solidarity, love, understanding, cooperation and tolerance between Both religions have built. If these efforts continue, I am convinced that we are able to win the hearts and minds of extremists. This will generate a positive change: People will not hate them, they will not kill in the name of religion, but will love the one the other, they will be amicably and they will maintain the peace and understanding in this area .
I'll want to say that I find much inspiration in the Scriptures and in the life of Jesus Christ . The more I read the Old Testament and New, strengthened the verses of the Bible and the Lord's words, the more I feel and increasing my determination. When I think about the fact that Jesus Christ sacrificed all that God has sent His own Son for our redemption and our salvation, I wonder how I can follow the road to Calvary. Our Lord said, 'Come with me, take up your cross and follow me. "
The body of the Bible, I love the most, says: 'I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and ye gave me drink, I was a stranger and you home to me, I was naked and you gabT my clothes, I was sick and you've nursed back to health, I was imprisoned and you visited me. " When I see poor and needy people I think that in them Jesus met me. It is my intention, if possible, to always be helpful and together with other the needy, the hungry, the thirsty to get support.
I think the needy, the poor, the orphans, their religion whatsoever, all are first seen as human beings. I think these people are part of one body in Christ that they pursued and the needy part of Christ are body. If we bring this mission to a close, we will have a place to deserves feet of Jesus and I'll be able to look at him, without me ashamed need to. "
(via Catholic )
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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Liberia told by the children's home: "We were constantly by the nuns terrorized. There were children who fought against the wall as do the mentally ill. Everything was an unending nightmare. If you made the bed, one was the underpants over the head with a shield and you had to go through the aisles, standing on the ". I have urinated in bed" It was ridiculed by the other children then. To punish us, they locked us in the chicken or rabbit hutch, they collected faeces and stuck us with this band-aid on his mouth. Sister Milagros was always on the one hand and the rosary on the other hand, the scissors with which they carved out the plaster. Thyself let stand until it is once again reminded of your and said that you can wash ... "
She recalls that some children were sometimes dressed in white. "Then we knew that the day of the" exhibition "was there. They took us to the office of Sister Juana about 4 or 6 girls and put us in line. It arrived couples who refereed our teeth and skin. They raised you the rock, to see if you have bowed legs. It was as if they would buy horses. A few days later, usually one of the children disappeared, usually the youngest. I was never selected. Through the mediation of a nun, I was in at their uncle Alicante passed, who had asked the nurse for placement of a child. The nun was working with a psychiatrist in Tenerife. They brought me there and told me that I would now no longer hot, but Rodríguez Hernández Liberia Maria to GUEROLA. They hit me so long on the head until I clearly had what was my new name. "
A children's fate, which resist buchtsäblich hair. It was this kind kidnapping in Spain long boom. The newspaper El Pais, which now publish to a report series, writes that withdrawn during decades in Spain, thousands of children to their parents or separated wrongfully of them were. The English judiciary is now required. you will try in the near future to clear up at least the most serious cases. These , about 750 cases are children who had been declared after the birth of doctors from the parents to be dead, but were actually sold to adoptive parents. Within 20 to 50 years in Spain, there was a real child trafficking. It is a difficult problem for the police to work up these cases prove resistant.
The history of appropriated children, "writes the blog" desterrados Niños en España "(outcast children in Spain) has its roots in the Franco dictatorship 's. At the beginning of the robbery had ideological reasons - they robbed the children of political prisoners and Republican women, these conservative families to give - but then developed a mafia, acting only for economic motives and acted a long time after the end of the dictatorship. This Mafia consisted of priests, nuns, doctors and officials. You have the children stolen mothers who were destitute in the rule. They were unmarried, defenseless young people who resigned as they were told that the child was stillborn.
Information Source: La policía investiga
en el Túnel del tiempo ·
"Venían y nos los matrimonios miraban dientes, las piernas como si .... compraran caballos - El Pais
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Where an interest in the" Dialectics of Secularization "interest in" Senk ju before träwelling makes "probably one of the algorithm behind the scenes significantly improved If anything, I would have wanted a reference to another "dialectic" On the Horkheimer-Adorno Scheme "Dialectic of Enlightenment," perhaps -.. if only because we find sentences that Amazon's e-mail releases and some more prophesy:
"The delivery of the public with a hierarchy of qualities series only serves to more fully so Quantification. Everyone should speak spontaneously anticipate its behavior by specific evidence 'level' in accordance with and reach for the category of mass product, which is fabricated of its type. Consumers appear as statistics on the map of research bodies from which propaganda can no longer differentiate into income groups into red, green and blue areas, " (Frankfurt. Fischer Taschenbuch, 1989, p. 131 )
Saturday, March 5, 2011
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Cradle reed, not angels, nor animal, half giant, half-dwarf.. "Fracasso and favorite child of God.

(From Dr. Boli via Happy Catholic )
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"Is Islam to Germany?" - Am I the only one who does not understand what the question even mean?
Is for Christianity - regardless of religious expression - to Germany? And if so, in what sense? Historically? Or as a religion of a large number or even the majority of West Germans? Either way, that the state and society accept Christianity as a vital guarantor conditions that generate it itself does not guarantee or can? And as a religion must be adapted to allow it to hear?
grasp Personally I do so as a praise when said Sigmar Gabriel probably only half in jest that the Alevis are better integrated into the Federal Republic as the Catholic Church . Woe is I'm alone, that a Catholic can showcase to smile instead of only to indicate at least: "'So it is, the church and that's good.." - But perhaps he's even done. Or waiting for a good opportunity.
(Thanks, John for the Note on Sigmar and G. Norbert L. )
Friday, March 4, 2011
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"Oh sweet peace, when will you come calling
When will you come calling upon this town"
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"arises sometimes in the Catholic Church in Germany, even the impression that the pressure to conform to the old been replaced codes from Sunday Visitor Center to the confession, the expressions of the position of faith, by a pressure to conform to the new code of criticism and doubt, the negation of the position, what would it say to the philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel . " ( Guido Horst recently in the daily mail).
These codes are imho not more "intellectually connotations" but part also the most humble faith equipment: "I believe in God or" God "or to the call what the Christian God - if he / it is, but before then I think that I and we all should not believe too firmly. . I believe that it is little better than to think too much and above all, very careful. "
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explains on its website the movement their goal: ".. We do not have a central goal, they are always formulated by the participants in their actions, we require joint demonstrations, the" Bicicletada "movement is used to the bike as a popular means of transport to do to create good conditions for using this means of transportation and to fight for a greener and sustainable Transpormittel especially in the cities. One of our themes, we propagate under the slogan "one car less" ("to carro a menos"), in which we show more respect from motorized users that operate on the major thoroughfares of the cities attract. Another slogan is "We are traffic" ("Nós somos o Trânsito"). The idea is to make the motorized riders clear that the bicycle is a component of urban traffic, respect due.
How important is the demand for respect for these road users, shows an incident in Porto Alegre. On the night of the 25th February started in this city a motorist in a group of about a hundred cyclists of "Bicicletada" movement. It was this accident in which there were many injured, not by accident. The driver is fed to the cyclists, braked, accelerated and drove into the group. As for the cyclists and the movement "Bicicletada" most upset was that the media and the police wanted to play down the incident. Tuesday night was the culprit, a bank employee, 47 years old, finally arrested. Meanwhile, he is examined in a psychiatric hospital.
There is therefore war on Brazil's streets. Pedestrians and cyclists are in this game the most vulnerable road users. A member of the "Bicicletada" movement describes the state: "The transition from the citizens, who goes on foot, motorized citizens in Brazilian society was never discussed or understood in its full extent. When you talk about the drivers, is spoken only of privileges and rights and forget the duties and responsibilities. The driver thinks he has a natural superiority over other road users. He played on to the other road users. From the perspective of the drivers are no pedestrian road users. On the contrary, he looks at him as an opponent, and as an obstacle to a speedy driving. The object of the pedestrian is not to restrict motorized traffic. The drivers take out the right to the street, the sidewalks and places to see as their property "
source of information.
Centro de Mídia Independente - Brasil
Wikipedia Portuguese - Bicicletada
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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At Carnival, it means to be happy
applies to everyone, whether large or small
as well as Merkel laughs without tickle
Seibert Heribert is also on the joke.
Politically, I will not even be
done this before to many here on earth
only here and there a little sideswipe
on the Elite us their favorite engine
At the beginning the same, this is clearly
is Guido with Wonderbrar
wants his 5% again topped
occurred to him yesterday while jogging ...
Immediately turn is a great master
narcissistic, he summoned the spirits
foot the note he did not see
only back to the track, simply simply to
on Finance is not over
like a bunny you put it into the nest egg by egg
screwed high taxes for little people
begrudge Ackermann and Co the fat booty
Then there was a woman with blonde hair
Ursel and the other as an unlikely pair
unemployment Class two shall do better go
here five away, as five out to understand easily
Those who look to Italy, the land of pasta
thinks the president quickly in damp poodle
Berlusconi, the country has brought billions
no wonder, has Gaddafi him indeed shown us
France also I do not begrudge a look here for
Bruni tall, and very chic
contrast, seems to me at her side dwarf
Sarkozy Alm Uncle wie'n from behind the mountain
Above the sea there is a large island
full of nobility and posh wants without brush
a prince as soon celebrate their wedding
with millions he makes the leather pants rip
go in Spain soon, the bulls from
substitute its gene engineered super mouse to
the torture of animals is their favorite sport
joint satisfaction of public place
Thus, the policy sufficiently scolded
the voter's order bill unpaid
they need us, we need
as the feed trough Great & Small
What God together out, let not man put asunder, but he did not suffer from ...
So, with this post I take my leave from the blogosphere, whether it will be forever, I still can not tell.
Yesterday was the day that I have been now 3 years in the quiet village of Hausen bloggers have registered. More than 600 ideas and answer all sorts of topics I've written here. More than 33 000 single-day visitors ventured to my site and have read, not only that, more than 12 000 comments distributed to the individual posts. Nice people and 143 have registered with a small little picture here.
For me personally, are the huge numbers, and I was always a pleasure to share my views and thoughts with so many. All the more so that visitors from more than 80 countries here looked over.
I can not even tell really explain why I mention do, for I have communicated as much to wait about 20 pre-written contributions for publication. But something inhibits me just make this too. The needs of a creative break so it is not ever, even pain and lack of time does not come into consideration.
There is probably because of the ease, lack freshness, or just the need of communication. Whatever the case, forever, no, it is easily said, but it is not exactly a lightweight.
would like at this point I thank all of you who have visited my blog!
Goodbye - Goodbye - Hello - Arividerci - Bye - Adiós - Antio - D o Svidaniya - Adeus
Bye - D o Pobachennya - D o Widzenia - A hn nyung hee ke see yo - U z Redzēšanos
Viszontlátásra - H ead aega - Zai Jian - S ag olun - T stesoutyoun - D a pabačennia - M a'as-salama
Time to say Goodbye
Nero Start Smart Gratuito
The welcome speech President Bleiker
A View from René Kuhn
This is an unbelievable feeling.
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He had already once foreign minister namely from 1993 to 1995. During this time, the genocide in Rwanda , where, after UN estimates 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed. Juppe has played unfortunately not a very gratifying role. Rwanda accuses the French government of that time, informed of the preparations for the genocide and have been involved in the implementation to be. Recall again civilian groups from Rwanda. For historians and witnesses, it was proven that France had supported the then Rwandan government, diplomatically, financially and militarily. The rest of the world has looked away while disinterested. According to the Rwandans ", the man who is now Foreign Minister again, never remorse for his support of the murderous regime yet shown he has put his former actions and that of his government in question "
In a press summary of 07.08.2008 an article in the newspaper Dagens Nyheter demanded a full investigation into the role of France in Rwanda." Much in connection with the French actions in Rwanda is still unclear, not least the question of where the boundary between colonial blindness and criminal inhumanity runs this question can be answered only by a full investigation where there is a role model.. to investigate the actions of the UN in Rwanda the [former Swedish Prime Minister] Ingvar Carlsson 1999 led on behalf of Kofi Annan. ... The fact that France holds the public to volunteer in its colonial nose, is unlikely. But the world, and not least the UN should make it clear that only an independent investigation can clear up question marks. "
But Juppe has a bad conscience. Fault of the others who have not got it once again what a skillful diplomatic game, he led at the time. In an interview in 2009 he declared:.. "We live for several years for the shameful attempt to rewrite the history of New, aims at the image of France as an active agent to that of complicity to convert the genocide is not French diplomacy may be the way the truth and dignity to differ "
If Juppé under these circumstances really stand for a reorientation of French foreign policy
See also:.?
The failure of French diplomacy system
has information source:
Juppé, le ministre qui" rappelle de mauvais souvenir "- Libération
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It is written, the spring brings feelings elicited by the people happiness,
in March, the Bauer d he steed,
his fields, he is nd u meadows st
He pflüget the ground, e r Egget and sows
and stirred his hands f stirring in the morning and late ...
And here is the version of Dieter, with the piles: seduced
In March, the Pedro Hilda,
he makes love to the sun, he feels.
With a lot of great difficulty, he follows the plan
but Hilda says no, they do not like Hahn.
And so you sing in Merkel's Pub:
In March, Guido much agony
suffers loses his innocence in a dark place.
He calls out for help, he begs and screams
then he sinks down, is gone forever.
The pope can get away from it:
In March, the bells ring out as brightly as his pastor
ever itches the skin quickly.
IT IS now written in thick black board, soft
the steeple must ensure minaret.
When Bobbele also exulted:
In March, the board is fresh and polished,
he knows his way around there, there 'is happening to him.
And because it was so nice he wants to out
there's hope - do not you put inside her.
And Blogger Land sing the whole chorus
In March, the bloggers are always on the ball,
which then pulls down so during the year.
What would we be without blogging on the net,
makes fun until it's time for bed.
Tüdelütt-tütt-tütt, they were right now a few small samples from the world of Lenz ...
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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Up to now, the Roma is a special court - better described as "arbitration" - the Romanian "stabor" (Gypsy court) is called. The mediation took place previously on the premises of the parties. Cioaba explained the new situation. "We want to make the Romanian government so that no competition is a Stabor The Court of the Roma that works for hundreds of years, if you look at it closely. it is a mediation. We have about 40 young Roma who have studied the law and make now a special training to authorized mediators. "
The courtroom in Sibiu was definitely on the occasion of the inauguration jam-packed with journalists and spectators. They all wanted the first hearing of the court, which consists of seven judges to do, Before they had to gesture rich and solemn speeches to go through
Seven Roma judge had to decide then on the following case:... Two brother fight over a necklace with gold coins, the chain has been left to Mihai Gheorghe, and should be returned, if this does not behave properly. In the meantime, his wife died, and the chain was gone. "Mama died and I wanted to have that chain back. I had just wanted the one that Mama," said the victim. One of the judges asks him: "How many coins were in the chain?" "I mean 35", said the victim. "He's crazy! He has never seen so many coins in the life" is stirring on the brother Mihai Gheorghe. Then the chaos breaks out in the courtroom. It is now out for the funeral of the deceased in the chain to the dispute between brother and son. "Mr. President, I have sold the coins, I had no money to bury the dead. Otherwise they would have the dogs eat, "said Gheorghe suddenly exploded since then his brother." I have paid 100 million for the Beedigung "That makes him ridiculous Gheorghe:" 100 million, you have not all. You've never seen in your life so much money. "The judges are a little perplexed. Then it turns out that, of them involved in the case two. One was a witness when the woman said chain taken as an heirloom was and another was . present at the funeral, the two do not really know what to say, the solution has one of the other judges.. He proposes to shift the trial, the others are happy with it and therefore, the verdict of the first Roma Court waiting for something.
I assume that the state judge breathe free, that such cases they be removed. The Roma have their own characteristics. The son of King Cioaba explains it: "There are many cases where we do not understand the state judge, for example, with us it is customary that a woman in the face of a man not bad behavior, the courts will not understand these customs.. and laugh about it. But these are the values of our people. How do we explain to the judge that this is a lack of respect, if the woman before the man is behaving badly and expect them to understand that? "
dear prince, the will not understand many others. But if the Roma and their wives is served, if certain practices because they are just habits, more tolerated? The Roma jurisdiction should probably not lead to "old habits are maintained. Since we prefer to hope for the 40 young, professionally trained Roma, who will soon settle the disputes.
See also:
I'm not a Roma!
Tribunalul shelf Cioaba - Government of Catalonia
is doing everything it passed by the previous government to make speed limits on roads reversed, the government in Madrid now decided the opposite: From 7 March may be driven on English highways no more than 110 h / km. Temporarily, as Prime Minister Zapatero
tells soothingly.However high the waves hit the country. In Internet surveys the newspaper, says the vast majority opposed the speed limit. The English consumer senses with so little trash. The voice of a commentator on the Internet: "There is no saving if I slow down 10 km / h go. The government only speculate on the revenue from the fines that are now imposed for speeding. If they have enough taken, they will restore the former system "![]()

- Zapatero espera que el límite de los 110 km / h dure el menor tiempo posible "
Monday, February 28, 2011
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The sage says, "knowing knowingly knowledge to know - that way."
The Kluge says: "The smart ones to follow, always an even smarter - but I am the smartest."
The fool says: "I do not exist."
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Before the Libyan Coastal vessels of the Navy to collect all European countries. Military transport planes are ready. They should bring the many citizens who are employed in the Libyan oil industry, in safety. But how do you do that, because
's still a sovereign country?150
UK, it definitely makes this: The BBC reports that thedid on Saturday evacuation flights made in areas that are considered "relatively safe" because the runways were backed by a militia and security forces from oil companies. Under these circumstances, two Hercules transport aircraftRAF
Romania on Saturday ended with a military aircraft Hercules C 130 in
Tripoli and, according to information from the Romanian consul 41 Romanians, 20 Bulgarians, three Slovenians and 3 Serbs evacuate in this way. Another machine of the type C-27 J Spartan as Malta and awaits further instructions from the Romanian Ministry of Defense. One ponders the time nor on how to evacuate 186 Romanian nationals from the oil fields of Ghademesch, Sarir Wellfield and Sarir Plant. In any case, the Romanian Foreign Ministry (MAE) is active. "Based on the received at the uninterrupted working Crisis Centre releases and information are developed in real-time solutions for evacuations by land, We shall make the information at the time publicly, in which the evacuation Romanian citizens from the conflict zones is no longer in danger. " The list of countries can be evacuated and on. Amazing how many foreign nationals in this Land leben, das steht jetzt will EINEM revolutionären Umbruch. BBC News - Libya rescue: UK forces to continue the mission Truth - MFA: Romanian 41 evacuated from Libya. Efforts to bring the country are still 44 to Benghazi Romanian