Sunday, March 6, 2011

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child trafficking and abuse in the name of God

" With the money you have cost us, we could have purchased a barn full of pigs! " That was an insult that was heard Hernández Liberia for many years by her mother. Eventually she had the courage nachzuhacken at her mother: "I asked them why they had actually adopted me when I just so badly treated. Then she explained that she had asked her cousin, Sister Mary, anyone looking to maintain once they could if they were older. And the one she had found, I was. "Liberia never felt as a child of these people and that they are treated not as a child." That was the sales contract, "she said ironically as it shows the adoption contract. One, the deed recorded, was Bernardo Acuña Dorta, a decorated fascist who had taken part in the military coup of 1936 and was in Tenerife head of the nursery. Liberia was in the nursery and was passed with 8 years of adoptive parents in Alicante. The signature of the biological mother was in the adoption records does not exist. You would not have given consent to adoption. Only months later, she appeared in the nursery and asked for her child until she said it would be now "in a better place." Then their children from entering the house was prohibited. Out, the children's house of the Sisters of Charity "(Hermanas de la Caridad), a Catholic sister organization. The mother had to give her daughter in the children's house because she remarried a widow when she was pregnant by the deceased husband's new husband did not want a child in the house that was not from him.

Liberia told by the children's home: "We were constantly by the nuns terrorized. There were children who fought against the wall as do the mentally ill. Everything was an unending nightmare. If you made the bed, one was the underpants over the head with a shield and you had to go through the aisles, standing on the ". I have urinated in bed" It was ridiculed by the other children then. To punish us, they locked us in the chicken or rabbit hutch, they collected faeces and stuck us with this band-aid on his mouth. Sister Milagros was always on the one hand and the rosary on the other hand, the scissors with which they carved out the plaster. Thyself let stand until it is once again reminded of your and said that you can wash ... "

She recalls that some children were sometimes dressed in white. "Then we knew that the day of the" exhibition "was there. They took us to the office of Sister Juana about 4 or 6 girls and put us in line. It arrived couples who refereed our teeth and skin. They raised you the rock, to see if you have bowed legs. It was as if they would buy horses. A few days later, usually one of the children disappeared, usually the youngest. I was never selected. Through the mediation of a nun, I was in at their uncle Alicante passed, who had asked the nurse for placement of a child. The nun was working with a psychiatrist in Tenerife. They brought me there and told me that I would now no longer hot, but Rodríguez Hernández Liberia Maria to GUEROLA. They hit me so long on the head until I clearly had what was my new name. "

A children's fate, which resist buchtsäblich hair. It was this kind kidnapping in Spain long boom. The newspaper El Pais, which now publish to a report series, writes that withdrawn during decades in Spain, thousands of children to their parents or separated wrongfully of them were. The English judiciary is now required. you will try in the near future to clear up at least the most serious cases. These , about 750 cases are children who had been declared after the birth of doctors from the parents to be dead, but were actually sold to adoptive parents. Within 20 to 50 years in Spain, there was a real child trafficking. It is a difficult problem for the police to work up these cases prove resistant.

The history of appropriated children, "writes the blog" desterrados Niños en España "(outcast children in Spain) has its roots in the Franco dictatorship 's. At the beginning of the robbery had ideological reasons - they robbed the children of political prisoners and Republican women, these conservative families to give - but then developed a mafia, acting only for economic motives and acted a long time after the end of the dictatorship. This Mafia consisted of priests, nuns, doctors and officials. You have the children stolen mothers who were destitute in the rule. They were unmarried, defenseless young people who resigned as they were told that the child was stillborn.

Information Source: La policía investiga
en el Túnel del tiempo ·
"Venían y nos los matrimonios miraban dientes, las piernas como si .... compraran caballos - El Pais


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