This Monday has met the organized, Swiss anti-feminism in Winterthur near Zurich for the first general meeting of the association. From the public came together to thirty men and two women. Many knew each other from the first international anti-feminism meetings and organized before Christmas meetings where members could get to know each other. It also appeared Some supporters of the party Swiss men and of Subitas , which we had been actively supported in organizing the first international meeting of anti-feminism. Accordingly, warm and fraternal welcome from the thousands.
The main aim of the event was the extension of the current Board to a total of eleven people. These are now divided over the course of the coming weeks, the various items to each other. So there is one person for the strategy, managing the finances, public relations and politics, for the care of Western Switzerland, for fundraising and so on. As President Urs was Bleiker (aka Manhood) confirmed. It was also still Alfredo Stüssi, the President of the Swiss party men elected to the board. In addition, other members were among others to form an organizing committee for future events used (including the second international meeting of anti-feminism). Furthermore, discussed the coordination between the men's organizations and the future work of the new board.
Below I will provide a summary of two long speeches which provide a detailed picture of the organized anti-feminism here in Switzerland.
The welcome speech President Bleiker
Urs Bleiker stated first, as the recent men's organizations were lined up again and again to no avail against the injustice . So much they have invested in work and yet so little achieved. This can is not only call on the unusual nature of the archenemy who has deeply buried in the Swiss state to hidden behind the supposedly weak keeps and agree to male helpers , but also as to the fear of contact of the previous organizations, which merely offend or provoke anyone wanted.
IGAF The anti-feminists and the club look at here but not as a replacement, but as a supplement, which want to do with the efforts to free the way for other men's rights organizations. Because unlike the men's rights activists, we have only one aim - the destruction of feminist ideology in all its forms and manifestations. We take a completely new way, by attacking the main obstacle to the achievement of male rights directly. Together with concrete facts, statistics reputable and-fast arguments complement our activities give the conventional work of Männerrechtler and hearing them in the form of media coverage, interviews and state-wide attention .
At least this is already a considerable improvement on those days, in which Switzerland did not even know that anti-feminists, let alone Männerrechtler ever was - now we are anchored in the minds of the people. We will continue this way so unchanged and thereby expose the lies and crimes of feminism , delegitimize and make them known to the people.
Anyone and everyone should get to feel that has incitement against men consequences.
A View from René Kuhn
then handed over to René Urs Kuhn, who introduced himself briefly, and then recapitulated, was how he came to the anti-feminism . It started with the writing of a simple observation with which he had likened the Russian style of clothing that women with some Swiss women and feminists, known as scarecrows. A simple sentence on the blog of a hitherto unknown Lucerne's regional politician was found to eat the left-SP, which issued out of sheer bigotry and gynozentrischer aversion to dissent immediately issued a press release, and thus incited the media pack. From one day to another was Rene Kuhn and his family of journalists besieged and bombarded . Fictional interviews and shameless innuendo were common, but by the people themselves, he received a tremendous, positive response.
He decided to book a write to clarify what he meant exactly, and to point out the false claims and lies about his person, but also to the seething, anti-feminist sentiment among the people. From the beginning, no publisher wanted to sell his book, so he decided to direct sales. To date he has sold over 6000 books (in Switzerland, is a book with 5000 sales as a bestseller), not that his book only in a single Swiss bookshop would be interpreted. While working on his book, he became aware of the deeper relationships around feminism and emancipation, for numerous women had complained to him about the feminist role forced and countless men told him their suffering , which in this society seemed to interest anyone.
During this time he was presented by Urs, Andrij and I contacted and an initial meeting quickly became apparent that we were of one opinion, not only politically but also in terms of feminism. The events came thick and out. A very fruitful collaboration led to homepage , which is less than a year after the first contact point for anti-feminism in the network (Zugrifffe 35,000 per month on average), establishing the community of interest anti-feminism on 9 April 2010, which today has over 3700 members and, ultimately, for the first international anti-feminism meeting in October 2010, which was mentioned in more than 6500 media reports. In the fall of 2010, the club was founded in anti-feminists, which has four months now over 120 paying members.
countless scandals, violent threats of feminists and state feminist Reaver land driven countless members, (inter) national Sympathy, money and support to us, embodied the organized anti-feminism finally be in the public consciousness in Switzerland and made him one of the fastest growing political movement of today - to the horror of the onlooking feminists helpless. From the USA, India and from all European countries reached him offers of cooperation of sympathizers and hopefuls who want to build inspired by our own deeds IGAF. Our longer term goal is to spot the IGAF build allies in every country and thus to forge an international, anti-feminist movement. Rene Kuhn said half seriously and half in jest, that the third international meeting of anti-feminism will take place in Berlin - in the middle of the stronghold of the German state feminism!
In less than eleven months now known all over Switzerland, who campaigns for men and fights against feminism - and we currently have a politically valuable monopoly. This is vital for the coming autumn, because then we are anti-feminists are for national elections on 23 Be set up in October, thus on the political stage the state feminism to turn the money tap. For to the previous policy, due to their full breeches incapable. The second international anti-feminism in the summer meeting is being planned - already have several confirmed speakers and the topic appropriate musical accompaniment will also already considered.
The success proves explicitly that provocation coupled with clear and present facts highlighted with claims against feminism is the most effective means. The term anti-feminism is therefore no longer an issue, because now everyone knows what this golden word.
Both speeches were well received by members with thunderous applause and after the formal was completed, was still in the trusted circle to the first general meeting of the association triggered anti-feminists. It is difficult to put into words the feelings of euphoria take, we felt that night. When I started blogging just over two years, I was a lone fighter who hang around together with some other forums and blogs, and desperately anschrieb against a zeitgeist and to institutionalize an opponent, at which for generations of men's teeth had been bitten.
And now, barely two years later, what has happened so much that I would not then to some extent thought possible! I never would have thought that I would sit with so many like-minded people in a room, the awareness of a similar thirst for action to combat the demon worked toward - and not just dodged the blows and complained. The contrast with the modest expectations that I entertained at the beginning of my blog, could not be greater.
We are witnessing the accelerating destruction of the last great left ideologies, maybe even a watershed moment in modern, Western cultural history - while sitting in the front row!
This is an unbelievable feeling.
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