Sunday, March 6, 2011

2008 Specialiazed Dolce Triple

Oliver Hunziker: "What would keep the anti-feminism against?"

The male response to feminism is a cacophony of different reactions. An enormous range of ideas and ways were suggested, and countless organizations, individual stakeholders and organizations have emerged in the course of this process in recent decades.

Feminist and Anti maskulistische approaches are just one small fraction of these myriad responses.

fact, there are men's organizations for decades - as long as there have been feminism. In many cases, these organizations enthusiastically the ideas and demands of the arch-enemy in the absorbed and thus became a former male Worm attachment on feminist ideology body.

Interestingly there are even those organizations who are caught between feminism and men's rights, and therefore react with very mixed feelings on the anti-feminist gospel .

between Profeminismus and women rights

Other men's organizations believe in their innocence, that the abused of the feminist concept of equality for both sexes in equal measure was meant seriously, and started on a devilish game involved. If we support the feminist "equality" only long enough then the feminists are surely at some point our concerns in favor of the men take note, is not it?

did not know what these gullible organizations, was that feminism was never about women's rights - but about women's privileges. He was never about true equality, which applies to both sexes, sonderm unilateral women's equality at the expense of men. Against this background, the ideological concerns of men have no place, no matter how urgent or relevant they may appear to the rest of the world.

(Unless the partial support of the men would bring significant benefit to women. One need only think of the state-feminist program "New ways for guys" in Germany, the boy in those dead-end activities such as financial or health care should be hineingescheucht, from which one tries to extract young women verweifelt by Girl's Day. Finally, a boy who becomes a nurse, a male charge less obstacle on the path to government-mandated women's empowerment.)

These men and organizations such as GeCoBi part of the equality means of state feminism in order to finance themselves and their government "male gender" can. If the answer to that is a umerzieherische gender policy and are therefore the institutionalized feminism in a dependent relationship, as this is seen as a cooperative partner with the necessary means by which you must enter into dialogue. However, this is

at the expense of sincerity and credibility of its commitment to men's rights . Finally, this function prevents the crucial Erkentnis that feminism is the real obstacle on the way to men's rights and true equality and thus overcoming of it an essential step is an honest and effective commitment towards men.

this but then such elegant little sentence from:

"We refuse us it the easier way to us to behave as an" emancipation losers "and to ask the (albeit real) discrimination against men at the center of our work . [...] the same time, we do not consider it fruitful to outweigh these disadvantages against each other and to ask what sex it is "worse off". what criterion should we have to decide whether it is "better", 8 percent earn less or to die 5 years earlier ...?"

How callous must one be, the shorter life expectancy for men and massive legal discrimination the men with the simply invented and trumped women "deprivation" equated and then both in one breath to be as similar irrelevant out? And all this just to let the state feminism takes the willing would-be lackeys with him. Significantly, they IGAF the party and the men do not like:

"The men party ( and the ( IG anti-feminism primarily denounce the discrimination of men (eg on divorce law). In its fight against such discrimination they argue with the focus on men's rights, not on the gender dialogue . This has led to that has distanced itself from the IGAF . "

And such organizations want to speak for you men! huge mistake even if it represents the serious resistance against the state of feminism as a simple as the collaboration with the institutionalized feminism. Is not the conformity of the more pleasant way?

half Feminist criticism of the organized anti-feminism

These facts must keep that in mind if you want to read the following text from a certain Oliver Hunziker, the supervisor of the first men's house in Switzerland, and understood in its full extent. He had distinguished himself with involvement in the rising action send as Väterrechtler - this, however, he stopped immediately when the wrong snake named Sommaruga the activists was insignificant and subsequently offered inconclusive discussion.

It is a cry for help to the state feminism, while an attempt by distancing us "evil" anti-feminists. Between the lines appeared on the desire but please a Swiss " federal forum for men " to open, as was done in Germany already and will guarantee the legitimacy than male facade unrestricted continued operation of state feminism . In addition, this text is interesting as it demonstrates the futility of a decades-long, fruitless dialogue with feminism first hand.

" What would keep the anti-feminism against?

equal opportunities policy must be more than the enforcement of women's rights.
Oliver Hunziker, President GeCoBi

Last year in Switzerland reported a new organization of men to speak. Strongly, loudly and clearly, the anti-feminists were around Rene Kuhn in the spring to the plan. With a large media campaign they applied their first meeting in the fall, which was accompanied by various noises.

succeeded with much provocation, and targeted media campaigns are moving within a very short time, the theme of "men" to fill, at least, this impression could arise. Due to the high media coverage and certainly also because of the pithy words, the movement has by his own admission in no time found many sympathizers. observed critical

While the existing men's and fathers' organizations, the new union, many women's organizations were virtually immediately in arms about this new movement. "

It was precisely the scandals surrounding the first international anti-feminism meeting that the media attention and thus free publicity generated. The so-called "media offensive" we have to thank aggressive Linksfaschos who sought a peaceful and rather inconspicuous Congress, rather served the internal network to prevent by force, threats and vandalism and it therefore enormous could get attention.

" scores, as the anti-feminism?

How can it be that this movement out of nothing is so successful? To understand this phenomenon more closely, one must first of all in the depths of the daily work of the various men's and fathers' organizations dive. Where to call every day desperate fathers, because they are in the separation of money, house, car, but especially the children are taken away recklessly, because they are believed by authorities and judges, not a word, because nothing listen, because your wife gets almost automatically right because they are completely wrong the most ferocious crimes are accused and charged. To hear these men and experienced with them is part of the way, while experienced as they are abandoned by society, then you understand where the anger and aggression come. Many of these men vary continuously between anger and despair, between hatred and sorrow, between fear and hope, and they know no more how to cope with this roller coaster of emotions. "

The Serious in these profeminist men's organizations is precisely that they have the anguish and sorrow that the systematic disenfranchisement legal and social devaluation caused by the feminism of the men has to be well aware. But the last step - attributed this phenomenon to the real feminist cause - can not and do not take place due to both monetary and ideological motivation.

"Many of our member organizations have been established for decades and help every day many men here, just to deal with it. Sometimes more, sometimes less successfully trying the volunteers to make the affected men courage to listen to them, them but also very to give concrete advice on how they can come forward. The underlying both extensive experience and a lot of personal engagement of consultants.

now appears a new organization that is provocative and aggressive in the first place, scene, it promises to do away with edgy slogans, the "Sauladen" clean out, etc. Sure, that affected fathers are attracted, and so not are a few of the members of our organizations and supporters of this new movement. "

decades, they have tampered with the symptoms of the problem, victims supported and could not take the intellectual leap that would have revealed to them the underlying mechanisms. Since one is naturally irritated when a new organization is threatening to snatch a more holistic and realistic understanding of the relationships members, attention and success. One would ultimately not be considered as those idiots who know but for thirty years, what's going on in terms of male abuse in our society, but thirty years, the real, have not addressed all the suffering the underlying problem.

" The joint custody to be expected -. without conditions


The displaced revision

limbo since that time the project in the federal administration and the Federal Council to himself. While the world outside the acceptance of joint custody continues to grow, while a neighboring country after another introduces this law, we play in Switzerland ostrich and bury our heads in the sand. And while the population gradually recognize that only a right which one has unconditionally, a real right is to try the opponents and opponents to save the joint custody with angular features, what can be saved any more. As more and more clear is that the amendment will hardly be avoided, it falls now to the glorious idea, the right to joint custody in any form of civil status associate with a prior commitment for possible maintenance. Men should therefore undertake even at the wedding, the wife of one day to pay maintenance, this should be at a later time the presence of her husband may get tired. In addition, even the subsistence of the alimony-paying ex-husband will no longer be protected but can be lower than in case of need. Concretely this means that a fully working man is a social case and possibly in addition to his professional activities relate nor social assistance in order to be able to get to his subsistence. That in such a situation puts a lot of dynamite is, of course. "

One must emphasize that it is the state feminism, which will link the touch subsistence of fathers and the maintenance obligation to the joint custody. Grotesque, these are exactly the same people, that organizations such as GeCoBi and have been trying for years to have a dialogue, and where they want to distinguish themselves.

But this is like trying to act nice to his executioners in the evening before the execution!

" The gender-friendly organizations need support

GeCoBi and its affiliates have been working for many Years of constructive solutions to improve the situation of fathers and mothers, but above all of children of divorce. We have brought in untold numbers of bodies our constructive proposals have sought to conduct a fair, active, productive dialogue and to establish ourselves as a viable social partners to these issues. Together with we have repeatedly pointed to the need to resolve the issues in a positive and together with the women. Commonality is not only on behalf of the Association GeCoBi, community is also the center of our proposals and our attitude. We are not anti-anything, we are pro-child. We want to stand up for something and not against something. We would like to take all the shape and our children a better future.

And yet we are still being ridiculed, held outside in front, not taken seriously marginalized. Still well-known organizations organize conferences on joint custody, without taking into account the fathers' organizations accordingly. Still understand large parts of authorities and politicians, only equality and the advancement of women is still flowing 95 or more percent of all gender-funding of women's organizations. "

For many years they have tried to open a dialogue with the lead to totalitarian monster of state feminism and complain now with astonishment and despair that all these efforts have not paid off. Hunziker Oliver and Co. would prefer an evening engaged in anti-feminist texts and the futility of attempts at dialogue on equal terms with the totalitarian ideology of feminism them would become clear.

At least today they are honest and prove with the text once and for all, that feminism was interested in the last forty years, not one bit for men, and thus for true equality, but for an increasing number of women's privileges, like this just the other day was known in Germany.

But if you look at this pleading request for information specific to the state feminism look, one notices quickly that the collective wisdom here will fall on deaf ears.

"If we want to find words at some point real, constructive solutions for our children, solutions that are acceptable for men and women, neither the man nor the woman exploit and disadvantage when we will one day really should be about, then we will create the only through dialogue.

But as long as a dialogue takes place only on one side, while only the fathers side is moving, as long as it will be pretty difficult to appease the ever-louder voices.

We confess GeCoBi of us to our goal - "for" shared parenting. If I'm somewhere ANTI anything, anti-extremism, no matter which side! "

Unfortunately, locks of Mr. Hunziker this key finding by remain on the fruits of a single-sided dialogue, hopes for where the other hand, no one (and have been for decades) is listening seriously. It would probably hold another thirty years, a monologue in the halls of state feminism, while feminists may still work out in front of him a bill for a man's tax. Then he would fend off criticism and actions harshly, and announce with pride that it was his "dialogue" have been, has seen to it that men are now just one-twentieth, would instead give a tithe of their property regularly. One must understand, finally - it is for the welfare of women and children


An anti-feminism, which labored not just awkward from the symptoms of the problem and the way the entire malformation as a kind of irrefutable and God-given. look, but ausräuchert the ulcer at the roots, In such a world no place. One is ultimately for sexual politics and feminism, equality anyway - even if it means ultimately that it is consistent with equality and is against the long-term interest of the men. After all, who the pursuit of men right with the typical for feminism on one side with the exclusionary, structurally discriminatory tools of feminist takes (men's equality, male rates, male gender politics), reveals the soul of our struggle and lowered himself down to the level of the arch-enemy .

This is the tragic example of an actor, with the lofty goals ultimately due to lack of understanding of the whole issue against his own intentions and is the arch-enemy, only encouraged. The poor track record in men's issues and feminism in comparison to the powerlessness of such prominent men's organizations, shows once again that you can not beg for men's rights and true equality. Not always is the dialogue at the round table was a viable option - especially not in the fight against a totalitarian ideology that proliferates unchallenged for decades in the West and the one with a offer of talks only confirmed in its autocratic Legitimitätsanmassung.

There can be no compromise with the totalitarian ideology give the arch enemy - everyone who glances at the forbidden fruit of the sexual politics and attempts to regulate through state resources to gender or to normalize is a danger on the way to true equality . You may not assign the interest of the men those people who want to plow the subject of ideological and financial self-interest.

The organized anti-feminism should therefore continue to take his thing and so do those real men lawyers the way that are serious about true equality and the rejection of feminist gender politics - and not just want to be part of the problem. Such people have not only the masses of the people behind them - but also the support of the Maskulismus.

from such powerful allies, others can only dream.


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