Monday, March 7, 2011

Hack Iphone As Dongle

Ion Tiriac shows the Romanians, where it's at

Ion Tiriac is probably one of the most Romanians in the European West. Former tennis player and now world-renowned business man and banker ( UniCredit Tiriac Bank ) with some success in Romania, he added in an interview with the newspaper "Adevarul" his views on the state of the Romanian nation announced. Caveat: I like him in Romania, even if the hard times. He complains, however, that in Romania in the last 20 years nothing had been done to the infrastructure and that it was a mistake to be guided only to the west.

His opinion in brief:

2012 we will be better. We have plenty of scope for economic recovery. If there is an upswing in Europe, we are gotten as an emerging market, a larger portion of the pie. Banks are currently petrified. No one trusts the other, each seeking his life preserver. That is why we have so far not count on loans with which you could set the machine going again. That means you have to invest on its own cap. The citizen who runs a business pays thousands of people and ensures that they do not become unemployed and the government pay for it. The problem is the pensioners, government employees, but employs me not so. It is rather busy that you have thousands of creating opportunities for people to enter work. If there is no such possibility, the people are there with folded arms and you have to take billions in loans, so they get their reward. In this way we would soon be settled.

The bribery scandal at the customs surprised me: This is just a flash in the pan. We have known for 60 years, that what is at customs and the police happened to the rubbish bin. The press will not run a Schaufensterjournalimus, but each of us is obliged to demand the right which it enjoys and the authorities on compliance with the law, which are very good in Romania, there.

The government and the opposition need to put in the face of hard times, once at a table. President Basescu is to include all time on bread and water in a room and when will come out then the Lord PSD a scar on the face, have the Lord Liberal two teeth less, and Mr PDL a hand less, but they are a Marshall Plan come out.

In 20 years you can not create a political class, as in England, France or Germany. How we can do in football and the coach, should we let politicians do their jobs. And even if drastic and unpopular measures required. What was once started, can we run it.

No matter whether I am prime minister or pope, but I can not do anything. To overdo it: If I would accept the prime minister-Posten, I would tomorrow 5 German, 3 French, 2 Italians and I do not know much English, a team of 20 people who were paid only out of our pockets. What would the country? You sold the land ".

We've got a thing that is known as a market for influence, but in the over-speaking world" lobbying "is the name. We've got one thing that we call in our international relations, but in others it is a normal travel. You may not have any relations with its talk-time or business partners.

Did I forget the markets in the East? China is gone? Russia is gone? If the other republics, with which we had historical links disappeared? "

All my life I was Ion and stayed there. I like Romania, even if we have a difficult time right now, but I believe that Romania a huge space for progress, and sooner or later a Mini Teter is elected president, who was with his fist bangs the table and it achieved that in Romania's much more than has been the case.
Old man analyzes the Romanian politics

Information Source:
Adevarul - Ion Tiriac: "place Mie România IMI


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