Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Creatine Headaches With Exersion

SCANDAL! Feminist justice wants to silence anti-feminists!

Once again, the organized anti-feminism struck and presented to the state feminism before all the people. Sent we placed in the media threatening to publish all hitherto secret addresses of the eighteen women's shelters in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, so that people know where there is in Switzerland with state funds Men inciting hatred, broken families and feminist bias is preached. At the same time, we called on our supporters to send us the addresses of shelters and demanding the transformation of women's shelters in family homes for male and female victims of violence.

were within a few hours the media in brighter riot and they wrote the fingers to the bone if our latest action against the state of feminism. Even the snooty, "bourgeois" NZZ, for which we previously were probably too trashy, as they would have us even mentioned once, writes now following in their cramped Article:

"So far, it was usually not taken quite seriously. Interessengemeinschaft antifeminism A notice on the website on 18 January, the secret address to publish the women's shelters in Switzerland, left no doubt it openly that she is dead serious. "

As if everything else so far in the eyes of a non-binding NZZ just been fun for in between.

Feminist controlled judiciary

Obviously, the state is exactly the same views on feminism, because it has a for Swiss Justice remarkably unusual speed obtained a "temporary super" available with which you want to force us to cease publication of the addresses. Fathers have to go to court for years and invest a fortune in order to have a faint hope that their child ever to see again, but if the feminists need the judiciary, given to them in less than a day instead.

What proof you need to see yet that the state feminism Justice in Switzerland has a firm grip? How are clearly shown, the feminist influence on the courts that, although a mere formulation of a law enforcement without the need of the same already such a desperate show of force causes the archenemy?

But why this sudden anxiety where it has taken us so far "not usually very serious?" Why such a blind and bare activism, anti-feminists who try to make us a paltry way to silence?

shelters - State hotbeds of feminist hate men

There are good reasons why the feminists have got cold feet.

Finally, do not live a few Sozialpädogogen, psychologists and other Umerziehler of the support leg of state feminism, which claims to feminist with a Attitude to work - and that generous at the expense of the taxpayer across Europe. Efficient domestic violence is seen as a male, the victims are of course only women. This is not surprising, since the institution of refuge was a few decades of feminists boarded - with desperate consequences for us all, as Erin Pizzey, founder of the first women's shelter know to report.

fact that more than two thirds of all inmates of a women's shelter in the section itself to violence and a fall large part of it even violence on its own initiated is studiously ignored. The fact that the Domestic violence affects men just as often and as brutal and these are therefore dependent on the same level of assistance, one would not admit in this Indoktrinationsstätten . And what with all these crimes and the rapt zerworfenen is done to children, willing to see the benefit of a cynical ideology.

Also from the inhumane conditions in some shelters, former employees know to report. Some time ago Manndat in Germany has set out in detail how unprofessional and disgraceful to women's shelters are operated there. Whether by Swiss Feminists run houses in very different ways are? It is ultimately the same structures, the same kind of people the same ideology and miserable!

How should continue to come to the million in funding with inhuman consequences when suddenly it turned out that there quartered women and that men are not angels dämonisert systematically despite the same size requirements and are excluded from assistance? How can one justify the feminist bias even more, if that last as a reason for broken families, children of illegal deprivation and bitter divorce wars is exposed?

family homes rather than shelters

It is therefore high time that women's shelters to be closed and replaced by ideology-free facilities for victims of domestic violence, which are open to both sexes without any restrictions. Also, these companies are subject to tight government control and operate with transparency, so that no ideology can lurk all over again.

By the way, we therefore make another supporting leg of the state feminism, which has eaten into already too deep in the Swiss government apparatus.

In light of these facts we are these "super temporary" do not let us sit on, but for publishing the addresses of shelters go to court . For too long we have let us harass men from feminism, so we are a ridiculous injunction by the state feminism no longer stay.

brothels instead of women's shelters!

Exemplary anti-feminist: Women's Home-Verarsche


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