Sunday, January 30, 2011

Inti Live View / - Axis

World Week article on the Swiss divorce law

In the world output of 20 weeks January there was an exemplary anti-feminist article with some very good assets for much-needed reform of the Swiss divorce law. Next Thursday World Week is the way to report on our shelter Action!

Since our (now clarified) little incident a while ago with the World Week, in which we have a stone in the board. Libertarian forces must stick together after all.


wants down to the last shirt

Simonetta Sommaruga Divorced press right up to the subsistence level. The opposite would be true. Modern women do not need child support, they can work.

By Alex Baur

Not even a hundred days in office, Justice Minister rises Simonetta Sommaruga (SP) with force in the battle of the sexes. If it were up to their will, divorced partners should in future may even be obliged to pay maintenance, the press, their livelihoods Unters statutory minimum subsistence level. As such, the template is gender neutral, in practice it will be especially divorced men who pay and receive the women. Trostpflästerli as the man is rewarded for bringing a little more say.

The subsistence minimum in Switzerland is not a fixed size, it is defined somewhat differently in each canton. This is reasonable, finally, the cost of living is not the same everywhere. As a rule of thumb, the gross income is from monthly 3,000 francs for a single person to be untouchable. Best placed are usually welfare recipients, defaulting borrowers have tended to make do with less. Divorced men are now somewhere in the middle. New they are to the very bottom in the open down pecking order.

For years, feminists and feminists are trying to grind this last protection. In their opinion the man should apply for social assistance if he no longer meet the maintenance obligations can. According to current legislation must make the woman in this case, the request for assistance. This is relevant insofar as welfare funds must be repaid in theory, if, for example by a legacy, the financial circumstances improve. The argument may be evident at first glance even. But the consequences would be disastrous. Because that would be lost for many divorced women in the last incentive to meet their own livelihood.

Sommaruga advance is at odds with the social developments. The autonomous professional woman who financed their own life, has long been the rule. But in the course of a separation, the woman unexpectedly mutates back to Huscheli that can not live without the wages of the man, the most time at the stove and, if available, fully professionally dedicated to the rearing of offspring. Workers of parents, child minders, nurseries and Be heard by the rule for voluntary exception.

The legislature tried to verwedeln by the contradictions of gender neutral language. The partner who earns more and that's just with today's popular bi-national marriages often, here are the women - has after the breakup of the financially worse-off support in principle. The question of guilt is excluded under applicable law is well known. This saves the judge but unpleasant decisions will, in practice, but always abutting results. Women also risk today, a parasite who perhaps robbed of the best years, they lied and deceived, continued after separation to have to finance.

Absolutely no child support

The famous Zurich divorce lawyer Renzo Guzzi postulated, therefore, due to its rich experience, a radical simplification of the divorce law, which can be reduced to three points:

1 - After the divorce, in principle, no partner something more from the other benefit everyone gets back what he has achieved his own hand. Reason: Especially since the question of guilt remains open, would be much strife, avoid frustration, but also useless academic effort.

2 - The alimony for the children to be a minimum reduced or cut altogether. Reason: Children are no wrongs, but a benefit, their education may cost, but whoever wins, has a privilege. If the child care business is no more unnecessary is, most disputes over custody, suffered by the children the most.

3 - who files the divorce should bear the cost of the procedure. Reason: Today, most divorces are filed by women because they generally benefit the most from them also, the true costs would provide recreation.

Guzzi proposals would not divorce only radically simplify and reduce the cost. They would also eliminate many inequities that were created artificially on the legalization of marriage. Getting married and having children for couples that could once again become a tempting option.

The promise of marriage from a male point of view is similar to a climbing without ropes: for gamblers a stimulating challenge to recommend to the average citizen with caution. In a misstep threatens destruction. With such prospects should not be surprised if many Swiss men, if they marry at all, the domestic Emanze prefer exotic, at least before they ruin the potential still cooks. A growing number of single women can meanwhile, exasperated by the eternal wait, sometimes a running up with a prince who reveals his true face, sometimes only after receiving the C-permit. This is the flip side of the battle of the sexes, in which there is, apart from a few profiteers, on balance, only losers.



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