you know that I have maintained for years a very lax handling of the comments. I have not intervened, discussed and fought as hard, or when people have been given each other on the cap. I have published more than a reminder now and then.
I have now decided to change this practice.
is now on there will be two simple house rules:
1) Who calls explicitly to physical violence, or
2) glorify such violence,
whose comments will be deleted without warning.
Nachwievor I will not intervene once it hard to go back and forth. You are men and you have the arguments and the backbone of verbal play to each and every feminist poodle on the wall. Also, polarizing political discussions, I will not moderate as we sit here not in a politically correct editorial office, which writes the people over.
I too would find it very great, if any Anonymous of you a nickname growing steadily, so that you can identify it. This is optional and you must register for it anywhere, but if its your contributions to always overwrite the same pseudonym, then you can assign the content better. Then I have that is not always "Anonymous, January 4, 2011 13:18
I abhor censorship, but even more I detest the abuse of freedom as a license for extremely anti-social behavior. I know we are not angels all of you here and I will also not Knigge abverlangen (which I leave to other blogs), but leads to the two house rules from now on no way.
comments are very important to me, criticism of any kind is interesting for me because it allows me a different perspective that I did not know you. Therefore, I do not intend to abolish or somehow restrict the comment option.
I know many of you have bad experiences because of feminism and has been building up because of enormous rage. I can not be directly affected as the difficult to see properly. However, I see it as my job, this pent-up anger in to draw constructively, so that on one hand all the men and women by overcoming of feminism benefits and also enables the people to be able to overcome their yoke.
But if some of you begin to describe how their old a purely cut or how they have dealt with people because of whatever, then that is something for psychiatrists - not for here.
violence as a political tool
Direct physical violence for us is not a political instrument as it legitimizes our cause and therefore feminism alive longer holds. You can reach not only with no direct violence, on the contrary, it strengthens the position of the enemy even as our society in solidarity with mostly weak.
I'm certainly not a pacifist. Also, I am deliberately now and then and likes martial metaphors and allegories to my texts a to miss something more dramatic note . But these are provocative style means no Handungsanweisungen - even if small-minded to it disturb
We have the arguments and the facts on our side.! We are a growing movement that is gaining influence and popularity. I know it is only a small consolation for all the suffering that you inflicted feminism, but here and now, everything changes! Each one of you can make its constructive contribution to that feminism disappeared even faster from the scene.
wasted with excessive violence fantasies you only your time and neglected the men and women out there who are waiting for our help. I therefore ask you not for me or someone else, but for our cause, to comply with the House Rules.
Merkel had no chance on my blog
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