Monday, February 28, 2011
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The sage says, "knowing knowingly knowledge to know - that way."
The Kluge says: "The smart ones to follow, always an even smarter - but I am the smartest."
The fool says: "I do not exist."
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Before the Libyan Coastal vessels of the Navy to collect all European countries. Military transport planes are ready. They should bring the many citizens who are employed in the Libyan oil industry, in safety. But how do you do that, because
's still a sovereign country?150
UK, it definitely makes this: The BBC reports that thedid on Saturday evacuation flights made in areas that are considered "relatively safe" because the runways were backed by a militia and security forces from oil companies. Under these circumstances, two Hercules transport aircraftRAF
Romania on Saturday ended with a military aircraft Hercules C 130 in
Tripoli and, according to information from the Romanian consul 41 Romanians, 20 Bulgarians, three Slovenians and 3 Serbs evacuate in this way. Another machine of the type C-27 J Spartan as Malta and awaits further instructions from the Romanian Ministry of Defense. One ponders the time nor on how to evacuate 186 Romanian nationals from the oil fields of Ghademesch, Sarir Wellfield and Sarir Plant. In any case, the Romanian Foreign Ministry (MAE) is active. "Based on the received at the uninterrupted working Crisis Centre releases and information are developed in real-time solutions for evacuations by land, We shall make the information at the time publicly, in which the evacuation Romanian citizens from the conflict zones is no longer in danger. " The list of countries can be evacuated and on. Amazing how many foreign nationals in this Land leben, das steht jetzt will EINEM revolutionären Umbruch. BBC News - Libya rescue: UK forces to continue the mission Truth - MFA: Romanian 41 evacuated from Libya. Efforts to bring the country are still 44 to Benghazi Romanian
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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From whom and when in fact, the Nobel Peace Prize?
The answer is:
by the Norwegian parliament, the king's always on 10 December, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel.
find it a pity I only that it is as yet succeeded to any of the prize-winners to have brought peace in terms of something really big.
The intention seems to me alone is not sufficient.
Merkel and Obama are not only the largest of the arms industry lobbyists, they are also the world's largest suppliers of weapons of any kind in the world.
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So to chew and digest a lot of us on the following section, I calmed down a few days can take a break. Before Saturday's with P. de Lubac sj any further. Personally, I think so, that the mere that what follows here, the good qualifies Père Doctor of the Church.
"But the inflexibility in matters of faith and love for the tradition to communicate with the real man of the Church in hardness, contempt, heart drought. He is ready to receive, can lock themselves in a fortress of rigid defenses. He does not forget that the Church not only in the main, but also in the members' loud 'yes' must carry with them, and that any objection may be only the reverse side of a stronger affirmation. Any more than the church itself, he is the spirit of the compromise space, but he still wants to as 'all the doors open, can be found by the quite different kind spirits to access a truth'. As little as he wants 'which are cumbersome, have converted', and the laudable Restraint, which also placed James the Apostle Council of the day seems to him more humane and wise, even the ways of God to awesome than the claims of some zealots. Following the same model he wants to be rotated by any exclusive thought the head, in the manner of the common fan, because he believes the church - their whole dogma and the history of heresy prove it - 'that salvation lies only in the balance'. He also confuses Orthodox faith and strength with no tightness or inertia of the mind. non ideo quia durum aliquid, ideo rectum [Not because it is something hard / uncomfortable, it is therefore all right, Scipio] ( Augustin ). He does not forget that it is one of its tasks 'set out for the people of his time, the things necessary to salvation'. He is carefully trying to ensure that in him gradually gain a general idea of the superiority over the person of Jesus Christ . As much as him on the purity of doctrine and theological clarity is, however much he struggles to let sink the mystery of faith into an ideology. Its full and unconditional loyalty decreases even to a kind of ecclesiastical chauvinism. He checked himself, then he is afraid he might fall and the terrible error that 'theologians', the 'as intelligent and' become 'the Gospel to make a scientific object, and imagine to have this more complete knowledge than the average of the Faithful, while still' often now they understand the least in the sense Jesus Christ . " (The Church. - Einsiedeln. John, 1968, p. 225 - 226)
to previous section here
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brasilianische Justizministerium Das hat seinen Kurds will Jahresbericht 2011 zur "Landkarte der Gewalt" ( Map da Violencia 2011) veröffentlicht. Danach sind basierend auf den Zahlen für das Jahr 2008 der Todesfälle die Mehrheit der Jugendlichen occurred between 15 and 24 years of violence killed. In plain English: They have been killed.
line was the estimated figures by the Statistical Office
IBGE in Brazil in 2008, it falls about 34.6 million youths between the ages of 15 and 24. They represent approximately 18.3% of the total of 189.6 million inhabitants of Brazil. In 1980 the number of these young people have 25.1 million of a total population of 118.7 million people. The proportion of young people in the population at that time was higher at 21.1% as it is today.The mortality rate of the Brazilian population fell due to increased life expectancy of 633 per 100,000 inhabitants in 1980 to 568 (per 100,000) in 2004. The mortality rate among young people has changed but not in contrast to the general Lebenserwarrtung. During 1980 128 young people per 100,000 died there in 2008 were 133 of them. The mortality rate in this age group has increased, contrary to that of the total population.![]()
Folha - Violência é responsável por 63% das Mortes de jovens no país
Saturday, February 26, 2011
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would have some of the signatories of the theologian memorandum it will gradually uncomfortable because signed. quickly, then come the concerns that have doubts about the boilerplate text, the underlying point of view. And one woman can not go back. It says its own name.
And then come the opposition. The few thousand signatories of "pro Ecclesia" can still be called conservatives, right fundamentalists who dismiss ultramontane extremists. Brandmüller is a historian, Kasper Vatican spoiled Seewald BXVI a confidant.
But the head wind that would not admit it publicly, of course, is continuing. Now put "students and graduates of the Catholic theology" with its own memorandum to - apparently capable of critical thinking and willing to lift the Muff among theologians-gowns. This is the calm, clear, critical text: " Memorandum 'plus' freedom "
May the " Church 2011er.. Sleep quite restless last night, it would be a good sign
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Because Cicero to "wanted to say fight prayers": This includes probably the following type of prayer that seems like it, not very resistant frustration is:
"expressed a similar score from Hammelburg, mourn the loss of their pastor Michael Sell . He also had a half years ago, left his parish, because he decided against the priesthood celibacy. Still would be located 60 to 70 people meet to Thursday prayer to pray for reform in the Church and her ex-pastor. "But it does nothing. We are frustrated and think about it from the church body to withdraw, "said a woman Hammelburg. Only the knowledge that the task to the new minister would offend believe, is still down "
. ( source -. I hope the link works in Google's cache)
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Bright morning stars are rising, Bright morning stars are rising
Bright morning stars are rising,
Day is a-breaking in my soul.
Oh, where are our dear fathers,
Oh, where are our dear fathers.
They are down in the valley praying,
Day is a-breaking in my soul.
Oh where are our dear mothers, oh where are our dear
They have gone to heaven shouting,
Day is a-breaking in my soul.
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comes after the break today would increase the amount of Pere de Lubac reflection on the homo ecclesiasticus, the church people. You'd think it was written for now and here. Read yourself:
"He is not an extremist and distrusts the exaggerations, but because it the sacraments of the Church have not given a spirit of timidity, but of power, he does not hesitate to work for the defense or the honor of his faith. Knowing how much one can sin by omission, talk and act it then with boldness, 'convenient or not', even at the risk of displeasing many to be so misunderstood by those to whose consent would be him most. He carefully avoids the dead ends, to warn against the authority he thinks more of the positive duties to which they urged him, and he sees the urgency faced by human wisdom but would express themselves best. Gladly he would always be ready, as indeed Peter calls already, to put before all men account for the hope of fulfilling it, feared the most, by getting used to his narrow horizon and its convenience to to be incapable. He always wants not just think 'the Church', but - as the author said the 'Spiritual Exercises' - 'in the Church', but this requires a deeper faith, a more intimate participation and a freer attitude: that of the real son that belongs to the house. He can always re-teach himself to draw, model, not by habit and propriety, but by the dogmatic truth. How Newman it was, can he be sensitive (often more than others) for the 'difficulties of religion', but how this great man, he sees "between the fact that we perceive difficulties, even if extended acute or , and the doubts about the secret, from which they spring, "no real connection. He also feels not trying to beat the spiritual heritage into pieces, which we have been entrusted for the present 'by men of the stature of Irenaeus , Athanasius , Augustin or Thomas . He brought on the contrary, to preserve it and to bring to bear. And he wants those who cling zealously, but often faint because prove that this legacy to become richer and of greater nutritional content is, as they say, that everything revolves fruchtbbarer juice in it, but the first fruits of new promises. He disdains any modern self-righteousness, and all forms of theological liberalism " (The Church .- Einsiedeln: Johannes, 1968, p. 223 - 225)
Père de Lubac. cited in abundance in his books, this meditation on the church. I save that for now.
to previous section here.
Friday, February 25, 2011
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observances in Spain will be abbreviated to the day and the first letter of the month. The year is no need to mention, because even most people know is to what it is Memorial Day. "I was 7 years old and I did not understand why suddenly my friends do not come home because there had been so long faces and the phone rang incessantly. No man could be seen on the road and the only thing I understood was that I was not the focus today. "This tells a reader of the newspaper La Vanguardia, who had called on its readers to describe how the 23 . February, experienced 1981st
February 23 30 years ago, this was again a shock for the slowly set in motion by democratization of Spain. On that day attacked a group of the paramilitary Civil Guard led the English Parliament from

The plump man with the mustache, Antonio Tejero, had come to the courageous response of the king resorted to nothing. Both he and his accomplice Milans del Bosch and Alfonso Armada was immediately initiated a criminal case and they were to each 30 years in prison. Armada was pardoned because of his age at the instigation of the military 1988th Tejero moved in 1993 to facilitate enforcement, as well as Milan del Bosch in 1990, who died in 1997, without regret his attempted coup. The prison sentence was suspended for Tejero 1996 probation.
The gunslinger Tejero now enjoys his life on the Costa del Sol. He should have no regrets, but stays back with public statements. In prison, he should have discovered the painting as a hobby.
Information Source: El Mundo , Tejero, 25 años después
El Periódico, El Congreso desclasifica nueva documentación inédita del 23-F La Vanguardia ¿Qué tú el día del hacías Intento de Golpe de Estado del 23-F?
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seamless recovery in time for some, for some - alas! - Too late:
citation made easy, almost, and if the prices will be available the App Store, then even young mothers and fathers they can afford. Then no more excuses, who is not a doctorate. And no PhD-Baby is more long wet or unsatisfied ...
(With regards to the colleagues netbib )
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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So are the days
to go there
follows this morning
where yesterday was
is already The view
peppered further future
with plans
dress like a hedgehog
so fashionable and chic
remains So then here
and there are something
as unwelcome and ignored
but it is important
of time as it has enough
if not yet
then yes maybe tomorrow
why have equal
it is not bad
Sun can live well
concerns shifted
not there
patient is mentally paper
stored and safely
and quick response
no one expected
tested in the years
Sun Office, this action
How it
its course as always was
a request for travel
is wonderful in love but
against him because no one cherishes the
who venture
with the incoming own debt
as we learn the office
It has always been
equally good or bad
as pure habit
take it so out
also why the change
enter and take
from the same hollow hand
because it's better
it should probably be
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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The story of creation is probably sufficient known, well, more or less, one had looked into it. But it's just part of us Christians. This story also made through history, then later written down, recorded by many stories and ruler of the art of writing and certainly always a bit put in another version, up to today valid content, such as the creation of all of us being that of the earth, the universe and everything has happened really, as it were, is in general have been possible.
One may have doubts justified probably, but it is remarkable that this interpretation of the creation of thousands of years could not be refuted, yes, and ever that there was next to no other than the from God, whoever may put to it than what this was ever called as he was seen and understood.
more surprising that there have been at any time of the people is a science, one that even today occupies is, so it is a proof of this. The very early science with endless set apart, and always has as much further research, as it does today, too. And if all that time scientists were with their respective means and methods and arrive again in doubt, but they have never actually at the creation as it is sent to us, because they have no doubt.
Only today, we know the nature of science does not doubt only at the origin of creation, no, she says quite rigid that it has never been so. And not only that, they of course also provides evidence for some but only alleged.
science should be explained, be transparent and understandable for everyone. And she has that right today, allows no doubt, but instead she takes refuge in increasingly, the human understanding fugitive further evidence, based on evidence and own knowledge in the thought very well be a hundred years ago was not even close to unimaginable.
to the bill, and we will be, more and more need to accept that the current science takes us all faith, wants to take everything fits what to think of its kind not enter. There is no place for God, not for something on the ground thinking beyond, and none for something that we call aliens.
And yet it managed not science until now, the people of their faith, of all that was felt thousands of years ago already, although in different forms, it has not succeeded in this kind of faith in their supposed convert such a perfect facts of the declarations.
That makes me suspicious, and yet again raising doubts that the science ...
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The communion of saints - it was never sowertvoll as today. Today, when we no longer live in the Christian West, so, we can not even pretend that we lived there. Today, when we must renew our decision for Christ permanent, where the "one-for-all" of the baptism of the daily "I renounce" and "I believe" prompts. "Those who believe are never alone." Not the Pope in Rome, not the Chinese brother in his prison cell, the seminarian before the big appeal issues and - Deo gratias - ever anyway the blogger night in front of the screen. He has given a hearing today that his scribblings not be in vain, but obviously in the service of joy and the hope is.
"As a man of the church, he acquired this education is not out of curiosity, to enjoy it, 'as one who visited the main building of a big city." He's quite at the service of large common shares. He joys and trials . He is struggling with their battles. From all the powers he seeks, in itself and as far as it goes around him a keen sense for the interests of Christ to obtain than for the interests of the world. The sense of Catholic solidarity he cultivates in himself and tried promote him to his brothers, distant as close. Everything for esoteric smells, it is particularly odious. He is opposed to the trend of modernity, a sure instinct can perceive it in time, the spiritual dangers ". ( Henri de Lubac : The Church .- Einsiedeln: Johannes, 1968, p. 223)
to previous section here .
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Sancta Christina promises amazing things. I am curious and would like to extend the usual allerfrömmsten of welcome.
on long, resourceful and happy blogging! We need every vote (particularly any unusual) .
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it much consideration in
opinion article by the journalist Eugen Chelemen
is when he writes that the prosecutor, the weekend the well-known head of a mafia gang arrests, have had the courage of a madman must. Sandu was arrested Anghel, called Bercea Mondial, residing in the city of SlatinaTheodor Stolojan
in southern Romania in the Oltregion. This man could now freely politicians and impress dignitaries and therefore want to exercise and how he wanted. The piquancy is that Bercea Mondial, Roma, and is defended by his family with loud cries.Well-known politicians and dignitaries, which are said close relations with Bercea Mondial,![]()

Mondial, familia Basescu şi subvenţiile pentru sus-pusi
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Today I call this day as the time of the Enlightenment, no, not what some might now someone thinks or suspects, no, it is a purely mathematical, so good, we doped academics, Latin for "Deka niche Rank deer, we call this act like the mathematical art.
Yes, correct belongs, mathematics has a lot to do with art, with artistic design. Of course now, not with the objective, which is anyway mostly around and gathering dust, the mathematical art is found in the literature, in this kind of large, and this I would like to introduce a few, because here we are dealing not only with figures, even magic plays a large role.
is so, should, should, well then, so everyone has the magic meaning of the 7 are well known, since it takes no Chinese blood in their veins, the veins I did not even mention, as inviolable in the third millennium AD, and even after the Ascension, the blue blood, true blood, not the popular bean with the surprising contents contaminated blood, said to the father to the doctor, my boy, leave it alone.
We speak here of the famous words "7" which can be found here including:
"The Seven Dwarfs" - "Seven at one blow" - "Seven dancing radishes Polka
" In the seven mountains "-" has seven days a week "-" Seven scoundrels in a pedal boat, "etc.
And a magical point of reference, this 7, even a very special addition, with small, almost invisible political footnote. Thus, a man from the state of the nobility, one with true blood in your veins, this was in 7 of the third millennium after meticulously petty preparation of a dissertation in the period of 7 years the magic dignity awarded, from now until eternity its many social names the coveted, set among collectors esteemed title of doctor ahead.
In times of less held coronations behind thick hooded walls of silence, ie the locks, since the award of the doctorate today at least equal, corresponds scepter and crown, golden opens doors and makes as if by magic from a more or less called "Normalo" with the help of a magic tape a new one Gutt - People.
So, here then ends once and for today the first hour of clarifying information ...