Swiss fathers are at high risk to see their children after the divorce and never again being squeezed financially to the death to be. child deprivation, extortion and deprivation of rights are with them on the agenda . While countless fathers after divorce for life - often in vain - to fight for equal custody, without the media would be interested in it, the opposite is inflated just recently to a huge antimaskulinen Story because for once a mother is affected. The mothers at least as often kidnap children, but added, reluctantly, but with the "special" situation of these poor victims inside justified - while fathers are always depicted as the perpetrator and without question, regardless of the situation.
In the face of this dehumanizing view of men, it is not surprising that wants to squeeze Federal Councillor Sommaruga now divorced fathers to below the minimum subsistence , so that single mothers can parasitize them even more. This is the ugly, often secretive side of the so-called "feminist" women's liberation "that eventually corrupted because of them women of character in the hands down, legal tools and abuse men exploited and dehumanized.
While fat, older feminists celebrate the television itself how great they have zugeschanzt in recent decades more and more privileges at the expense of the Company and whom she's all "free" would , they studiously overlooked the hardship and misery which has caused their ideology in the rest of the (male) population. Against this juggernaut femifaschistischen protested Swiss Väterrechtler only recently reunited with their "Send rising" campaign. But not until recently fathers fighting for their rights in Europe. For while all for privileges and Pamperei of women is being done - ridiculed and mocked to fighting men and fathers, which is denied the most elementary aspects of true equality under gynozentrischer ideology.
Who can name the face of this rampant injustice still voluntarily and in good conscience "Feminist"?
Now published the world week a five-page report on the dire situation of disenfranchised fathers in Switzerland and can be the first time by the state-feminist justice battered fathers are discussed.
fathers accuse: «Give us back our children"
divorced men tell of the injustice of the Swiss judiciary.
"ammunition in the divorce war"
If marital separations escalating a bitter dispute over the children, usually lose their fathers.
you feel by the judiciary and the authorities blatantly disadvantaged. Here are five men from the everyday madness
tell in the divorce battle. Daniel Glaus and Sally Montana (pictures)
The grievance is of eternal relevance: Living the children after the divorce with the mother, the father is dependent on the goodwill of his ex-wife. Sometimes he sees his children for years. Ohnemdass something he had been guilty. Even if he paid the alimony on time, leave the shared home has voluntarily and by court order would have entitled it to him, the woman can refuse visitation rights without fear of serious sanctions.
have a legal reform to change that and both parents should have been awarded custody. For years, men's organizations had fought for it. Then came Simonetta Sommaruga (SP) into office as Minister of Justice and stopped the reform. You will also regulate the child support payments again. Who is responsible for the financial maintenance, Dermann mostly so, it could be right up to the subsistence seized
. In recent days, fathers clubs have launched protest actions: a website
can Sommaruga free to send a paving stone by mail. It symbolized "the stones that fathers and their children are in the way," said Oliver initiator Hunziker. Sommaruga willing to talk to is men want to keep a vigil every night before demBundeshaus.
"If she does not want is everything still"
The World Week has spoken with five fathers who have come in the divorce fight under the wheels. They tell on the following pages about their seemingly Kafkaesque struggle against authorities, social services, judges and their former partners. There are touching stories. For their plight, many say, is not primarily the ex-wife, but mainly to blame for the state, "He is unable to enforce agreements and judgments," is the tenor. The cases demonstrate a bias of justice along the lines: "If the woman wants is not, all quiet. "In long discussions, the men explained their experiences with the judicial administration system.
you open your file folders. It was not clarified about who was to blame for the breakdown of the marriage. But the question: How do fathers state power when the separation into a divorce war degenerates to custody, guardianship and child support?
Markus Staub, 52, engineer-agronomist ETH
"The twins were seven years old when my wife and I split up to twelve years. \u0026lt;If It for me geht, you see the children never more>, they prophesied. She was right every means to demonize me: In the Court of inputs they hired me as a fool dar. \u0026lt;gewalttätigen> weapons but I have my rifle yet and souvenirs such as Indian bow and arrow. But the accusations were apparently unfounded, so she has never shown me.
The battle for the contact to their own children is expensive. I lived eight years in an attic apartment, in part, thirteen degrees in the winter, my wife bought a house and made holiday overseas. The financial losses I would have coped. Not that I see my children
not allowed! While it was a right of two weekends per month set of court. But the verdict was not worth the paper on which it was written.
If my ex-wife, the children sat in the agreed train, I stood alone at the station on Friday evening and was afraid my children might be something has happened. Until I on the Monday after the holidays or in the school called and learned that she had driven off with the children. I was able to catch up on the visiting days never thwarted, they fall easily. I have indeed reported for disobedience, an official \u0026lt;mehrfachen Verfügung>.
But the buses of a few hundred francs she has successfully challenged. I know not whether she has ever paid for only one of them. In the official documents, I found a pencil note revealing an official: \u0026lt;This Kindergestürm is not by public Interesse.> The only thing I wanted was to see our children 48 hours twice a month. In the first years after the divorce they granted me the weekend visit as you wish. Usually after long storms of me and the children's counsel. This announced after two years because my wife ignored all instructions and answers.
2004, the children were the last regular to me. Then my ex-wife broke the connection completely: no visits, no letters, no phone calls, absolutely nothing! For a year I was a fortnight
vain at Aarau train station and waited for my children. In a court entering my wife wrote that it was not believable that someone do something like that. Then I let my waiting each confirm the switch. After six years with ongoing proceedings the District Court finally
is that visiting rights be enforced, if necessary, with the help of the police.
€ On 27 October 2006 civil officials gathered in the children from school. It was too late. But I just wanted to talk to them again. My former wife had instilled in them for years, the dad wanted the mom to jail . Bring Today the twins are of legal age and seek judicial,
that I pay more for them. Further contact, they do not. "
Robert A., 56, engineer, and daughter, Julia *, 19, hairdresser
" My son Daniel * I have more than two years, not seen. Although I had a court order visitation rights for
two weekends a month and the holiday every four weeks. Also, my daughter Julia, who now lives alone, has no more contact with their four year younger brother. My ex-wife keeps him from us away. If I stand at the door to pick him for the weekend, they will not open. We miss him very much and do not know how he is. I will not attack my ex-wife or the women
general. My concern is that the authorities must change their behavior.
If a dispute arises, there is always comprehensible arguments on both sides. But the authorities must finally understand that couples are in isolation in extreme emotional situations, and so need to be impartial interpose - for the sake of the children! But clear to me at the ex-wife was better off. She could take my son on Christmas for the holidays without to let me know. Although the court explicitly given me permission to do so and I had booked everything. In the opposite case
one would call it kidnapping - but my ad was not even accepted as supporting the upper and the Federal Court this behavior.
The case is now before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Shortly after she severed my connection to Daniel completely. His counsel says he can not do anything. And the Court states that one can not let a child pick up by the police. That would be too great a burden. But
that my son suddenly has no father is for him not be a burden? Just one example of how the municipality handles my wife with me: In the Council Minutes is that there is \u0026lt;weder
Daniel nor his father's need for mutual contact>. This is a blunt lie. The guardianship authority is not critical over the position of my ex-wife and this presented as fact to the council. I call the authorities force!
I had recourse to the District Office of the Protocol. Now stands, I would probably \u0026lt;very contact>, my wife, but from the rest. Shortly after the separation five years ago began the attempts to take away the children's father: To the to \u0026lt;deeskalieren> marriage dispute, I should stay for some time in contact with the children, advised me of social service. I followed this a few months later threw me the same ladies, I did not care about the children! The Rectors of Daniel's school
me even threatened that they would \u0026lt;motivieren> the mother to a complaint against me if I would come again onto school grounds. All I was invited by his teacher to discuss problems at school my son. The principal denied their threat again from the course, I can not prove anything.
were similar on one side, the authorities in my daughter. For years she was Mother beaten, that is documented officially, I made a threat message. But nothing happened. Until it with
fifteen herself put to me. Shortly before her 18th Birthday I was given custody. Surely it can not be that a father is no relationship more may have to their children because they are used as ammunition in the divorce war and the authorities of the support too! "
Georgios Skarlakidis, 45, certified financial planner
"In March, four years ago, I had to leave our house on court order. I am still not divorced because my Mrs. delaying the process. After payment of child support for our three children to me less than 3400 francs a month left to live - even in the beginning it was only 2400th The Pension Fund and the third column is shared - that's right. Because I have children aged 9 to 15 years hardly see I'm not her dad, just a dear uncle - that is not correct.
And this happened: With arguments like \u0026lt;sexuelle Nötigung>, \u0026lt;Entfremdung> \u0026lt;geistige Weiterentwicklung> and wanted to keep my wife. The judge did not respond. Then she pointed at me. I had beaten the children. She was our middle daughter's arm dragged from the room, as they sought refuge with me. I made a counter-notice, the children testified in my favor. Still, I had to move out. Both proceedings for assault, have been set. But the facts were established:
I was the villain. Since the separation determined only my ex, although joint custody. I
must submit my wages down to the subsistence level. A lawyer, I could not afford - she got a free lawyer from the state.
I could still see the children every other weekend. Sometimes, depending on the mood of my wife, on Wednesday afternoon. Here, the children told the court in family counseling and psychologists,
half the time they wanted to be with me. My wife sabotaged the right to visit again and again, I went to the police and in court. They told me they could not do anything. After about two years ago I lost my nerve. I was devastated and sick leave because of burnout. I adjusted the payments and
haute from abroad. I was so in the end, I had homicidal and suicidal thoughts. When I was a little better, I came back. Finally, I wanted to see my children.
the failed maintenance payments of 40 € 000 francs, I have been stuttering. Using a Beiständin wanted my children and I recently visitation rights to extend to every Wednesday afternoon. The mother is against it. If she does not want, we and the entire state apparatus powerless. The amount is: My estranged wife is pregnant. Now I have to submit a paternity suit. Otherwise, I pay for the child of the man who moved into my house - but it endured not long, "
He paid, they have the say."
Oliver Hunziker is the initiator of the first men's house. He advises divorce fathers, from the beginning to make off resistance.
Oliver is President Hunziker of the Association "Responsible fathers and mothers" (VEV) and the initiator of the fathers house "Zwüschehalt" in Aarau. The action "Send en stones" and vigils protesting the VEV and other clubs in the custody of federal reform Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga (SP).
Mr. Hunziker, so feel deprived many divorced fathers to their ex-wives?
If a man takes off and women and children leaving the apartment, she has to actually call the shots. You can now exclude the man from the children's education. Without seeing the cooperation of the mother the fathers of their children may no longer be for years. And we are not talking about thugs and pedophiles, but by respectable men.
How do you change this state?
In the Civil Code has joint custody the norm. In separation and divorce, parents should always take care equally financially and educationally for the children. The possible care should be divided equally. Joint custody alone does nothing. Who has the custody, can deprive the other parent the children, usually without the state intervenes. .
majority has the mother's care
Yes, and often this means: He paid only to the minimum subsistence remains, she has the children and the say. The reform promised improvement - to Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga the practice after seven years, has recently stopped. The action "Send en stones" we want to bring the reform rolling again.
have judges and youth services was not enough room to face up to neutral between a man and woman, so that the children remain in contact with both parents?
they would have in theory - but they rarely use it. The law needs to be set close together, so courts and agencies are obliged to enforce the joint custody and care.
needs Why is this compulsion?
It is tragic, but still there is a tendency that the mother is considered the part of the couple, the victim must be. And that the natural woman can better take care of the children. Scientifically that's long been disproved: Domestic violence against children or the owner's spouse is relatively evenly distributed to mothers and fathers. And fathers can be just as caring be like mothers.
What do you advise women who feel discriminated against in custody and custody?
seek advice immediately competent. And market can not be out of the apartment, if it somehow does. A statement, "Cooperation for de-escalation," as social workers or police officers often advise can be interpreted to him in court as a disadvantage: "He ran away," it says then. Therefore, it is important to accept advice or instructions from officials promise in writing only.
Which men are at particular risk on the table to be drawn?
especially those who really want to do everything right and proper for a separation. You do not dare to fight back because they are afraid of losing the children completely. Then it is too late and they find themselves in destructive and annoying litigation. Most children suffer anyway - it is traumatic when they divorce in years of war torn back and forth.
Urs Brechbühl, 40, Internet Supporter
"On 23 March is my son four years old. I have never seen him before. In summer 2006, when my wife was pregnant, we parted. Only half a year before we were married. My wife was dreadfully jealous, had regular attacks, I cried in the middle of the Coop or a bar. In the evening after work, I never had my rest. They slapped and shoved me. I suggested to the separation, to calm the situation. They immediately wanted to divorce me and threatened that she would ruin me and keep the child withheld. She had success across the board. After we had disbanded their apartment, I moved to my parents and they probably her sister. The separation, the threats and that I think see son could not have made me completely finished. I could not work more and was on sick leave.
When the child was born, we had theoretically joint custody. In fact it was her because she refused any contact, I could neither first name nor a voice in anything else. The social office of the municipality, my wife wrote me that they could organize no contact with the child, since our divorce proceedings and a paternity suit was pending. I should address myself to the court. They told me that the social welfare office has jurisdiction. For months this went on ping-pong game. When I was confirmed as the father, should Beiständin allow the visits. But my ex-wife refused.
It seemed to me that the Beiständin tried not very persistent, to enforce visitation rights. Of course I complained, but their superiors support the woman. Last year, our divorce until the court decided. Accordingly, I have absolutely no right to check out of my child. I will
treated like a criminal! Today I live in a one bedroom apartment, paying for the community. I live of 960 francs social assistance. This divorce battle has been the taxpayer
cost 240 000 francs, I have calculated.
The social worker supports the community can not tell me is to see my child
. Now I want my ex-wife, my son still deleted my last name. Other hand, I refer back, but I have no money for a long trial. What remains for me is to write to disciplinary proceedings and requests to the authorities. I've got time for that to end of my life. "
Michael Handel, 37, artist ventilation
" When my ex-wife kidnapped my little son, I was just at the doctor. Luca * played in the sandbox, a neighbor took care of him. My ex drove up and dragged him into the car. Lucas must have cried horribly. Since he was 5 years old. I had my ex-wife during a half months previously denied visitation rights - she had attacked him repeatedly assaulted. I would not go into details, the tears else in old wounds. Eye witnesses have confirmed the assault in any case in writing, and later the Beiständin. However, the guardianship authority, said that any mother rushed from time to time, and they played down
other actions. I insisted on a professional companion for the time when Lucas should be with his mother. The district court refused. As I lay myself across, let my ex-wife not to Luca.
But instead of the child from his violent to protect mother, the court has rewarded the kidnapping in hindsight: It eluded me the sole custody and she said my ex-wife. The reasoning was that I had refused her visitation rights! The Child Protection intervened and spoke of a government sanctioned \u0026lt;durch ned Kindesmisshandlung>. Luca had to still stay with my ex-wife. The cantonal children's psychiatric service noted Luca have with me \u0026lt;One significant positive development gezeigt>. And my \u0026lt;COMMON Erziehungsfähigkeit> \u0026lt;in could no way be bestritten>. The \u0026lt;Entführungsaktion the Mutter> mean, however, a \u0026lt;Traumatisierung>.
But multiple statements by Luca in court that he wanted to stay with me did not help. He had to live with my ex-wife. Again it came to violence. But I had exhausted all legal options and could do nothing for him. I was totally geknüttelt and resigned. A few months after his twelfth birthday Luca is then fled from his mother and came to me. That was on a Friday evening about a year ago. A federal court ruling in another case protects Luca. Accordingly, children from discriminating on the issue of custody twelve.
A child advocate is fighting now that I also get sole custody. That sounds like a happy ending - but it is not: in this dispute Luca was a pledge, because the authorities did not listen to him. Richter, Beiständinnen and social workers have robbed him of his childhood. "
" official involved pseudo evidence "
Like many other affected fathers, Michael" in trade associations against the "official discrimination against men. Together are more than a dozen organizations in the "association for joint parenthood" Gecobi. The fathers have meetings to help themselves, operate counseling and Switzerland's only men's house in Aarau. Their Concerns they want to sit on the political level. The Gecobi President Hunziker Oliver Stone has organized the vigil against the Avalanche and Sommaruga, "reform-delay". "It must finally apply the principle that parents who have concerns about children together," says Hunziker. This would disputes over educational authority and visiting rights be avoided in the future (see interview on page 28).
change his mind, even if the men Sommaruga organizations can remain in the daily practice courts and offices. It's not just notorious troublemakers with government-aversion, as the experiences of five men. It is obvious that many judges and officials of the fathers and their children can accumulate. is scientifically about how few children are in divorce proceedings themselves can be heard: only ten percent, according to a study by Marie-Meier Fraunhofer Institute and the University of Zurich.
This, even though required by the UN Children's Convention and the Civil Code, a hearing.
How simple can it be a man via judicial and public authorities "to dispose" contrary to fundamental constitutional principles, portrays a psychologist who the victims of violence advises: "A woman needs only to free legal advice by a court to go as it is offered in many cities. There they must tell a sympathetic judge or prosecutor sharp sobbing and that that had done the bad type. She immediately paid the state provide cover by a lawyer. The appearance in the consultation will be confirmed in writing - that is that the lady does not even go to the shelter, where critical questions are asked. In just one afternoon, they can easily create pseudo first official evidence. "
If she plays out the man, the depressing conclusion to help her the authorities.
* The names of the children mentioned have been changed.
fathers have as much a right to their children as mothers
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