promised I came into this society in which men and women equality and equal rights was. But what I experienced was feminist bias, gynozentrischer revanchism and emasculation self-hatred. These phenomena have now permeated the entire West at all levels, would not suffice longer just a simple reform alone to correct these abuses.
It rather needs a comprehensive intellectual orientation, which covers all aspects of Western thought to let those promises are still true, which were influential groups for decades for their own ideological interests abused and perverted.
This brings the purification Maskulismus, whose nature and nature will be detailed in this document.
The six theses of Maskulismus
maskulistische thought was written in the German men rights movement by Mikhail A. Savvakis first time in his Broad . All Subsequent builds on his next six theses, which he published in 2007 on his website and in his book " Medusa gives you no roses " intellectually substantiated:
Society Historical continuity
The sex ratio, which has been developed the dawn of man, is not a construct, but an evolving, historical facts, which undergoes a continuous, ever-lasting process, which by the permanent Interaction of different human communities with their own, changing external constraints results. Realistically, it can therefore no alternative, utopian world, not be a better ideal state to be re-educated by means of coercion, to which men and women would have without bringing massive negative consequences for the affected company out. The Maskulismus rejects such abrupt jumps as subversive political objectives and therefore categorically refuses any ideological, artificial ideal, which is to be imposed by force and national instruments to the men and women. Men and women are and will remain complementary to each other in Maskulismus. The Western cultural history is thus for the Maskulismus not a mistake to be corrected, but an essential precursor and essential requirement for our current cultural, social and sexual identity.
indictment of the feminist ideology, not against women
Feminism in all its forms is the dominant ideology in the West, which wants to impose the ideas of sexuality using coercion of a minority of society. It is responsible for the turmoil and division, which has caused the gender war instigated by him in the last forty years. It recognizes the Maskulismus that the source of this problem in the feminist ideology, not the women themselves is. For these are abused by feminists merely as victims and hostages for their own purposes. Maskulisten attack thus not the women themselves, but their excesses and feminist ideas in society. Thus, use anti-feminism, not misogyny.
dissolution of the state feminism as a target
The institutionalized feminism turns instruments of government to a re-educate people about their ideas out to accomplish the 'new man'. However, both sexes and self-image may not be subjected to political construction of any kind be. For any kind of 'gender policy' will always be statist and totalitarian, because people do not want to be robbed of their humanity and are therefore out in the eyes of the ideologues with force to their happiness would. The Maskulismus fights so the state feminism as the primary target, as this generally has from all facets of feminism, the worst and most devastating impact on children, youth, families, men and women.
True emancipation
Maskulisten understand by emancipation for men and women, the reduction of dependency through active experience of self-responsibility and a rejection of state funding in the form of ideologically motivated gender politics. Only by rejecting both traditionalist, as well as feminist role corsets for men and women can be true emancipation of the individual himself won. Gender policy reduces the possibility for individuals to grow beyond itself, by dependency, powerlessness and creates new structural discrimination solely on the basis of group affiliation. Systematically undermines the self-efficacy of the individual and individual rights in favor of discriminatory marginalized group privileges. It is therefore not degraded injustice, but rather at the expense of the other sex extended and expanded. The State has therefore ensure the Maskulismus only for the same starting conditions by reacting the equality of both sexes before the law, however, not ensure the same finish line as a feminist equality.
real equality
Today's understanding of equality is unilateral and characterized by the idea of a one-way street of men over women. This leads to numerous privileges for women and to many disadvantages of the men before the law. Therefore require Maskulisten a real equality, which are equivalent and equal treatment of both sexes before the law, politics and takes seriously the public. To avoid any ideological bias, is this real equality are implemented consistently and without exception. This Maskulisten work on the one hand, together with anti-feminists, the feminist ideology to fight as the biggest obstacle to overcome the current bias on gender issues and the other, they cooperate with men lawyers, to men's rights in the context of real equality to strengthen those areas where they are neglected or injured. This cooperation makes them an integral Maskulismus and consolidating factor, which the individual thrusts of different groups into a powerful Overall movement united.
The Maskulismus must extend to the eternal battle of thoughts, ideas and ideologies move by fighting the pseudoscientific excesses of intellectual operation. These include the feminstistische science, Genderismus and matriarchy, which reinterpret the Western cultural history for their purposes, and deface. They abuse the sound of science to its ideological claims wrapped in a mantle of distortion of facts to cheer for the current zeitgeist. A longer-term victory maskulistischer ideas can therefore only be guaranteed and secured, if the supporting elements have been displaced feminist ideology in academia. For Maskulisten is the active struggle for the Interpretation of Western cultural history and thus a culturalist perspective inevitable.
For everyday these theories are much too cumbersome and too detailed, so this must be simplified as appropriate and succinct ideals to argue but to understand and correctly too.
The ideals of Maskulismus
Since the essence of today's external constraints imposed on the West, it is no longer a traditionalist gender politics forces, he acknowledges, in the form of industrialization made possible by the liberalization of society the people much more freedom than before.
This is a fact - whether this greater freedom is desired or not, regardless of whether people in general can deal with this unleashing or not. The great ideologies of the last two hundred years have been so many responses and a knee-jerk reactions of Western society to a rapidly expanding freedom, which the only slowly adapting social consciousness often overwhelmed.
inequality and gender inequality can be against this background only ideological, and is no longer justified by the severity of the external constraints such as the times of the Middle Ages. will result, and due to the habits of modern Western man would inequality and unequal treatment of any kind ever imposed by the nature of similar state feminism, totalitarian politics and gender maintained. lead
But as any kind of gender politics and re-education ideal inevitably to a totalitarian statism unwestlich must, for us, neither the one side gynozentrische gender politics of institutionalized feminism comes into question, nor the traditionalist image of the same. As a consequence, the remains Maskulisten thus only the demand for equal rights and duties without any exceptions for both sexes and a rejection of any kind of gender politics.
The above six propositions can therefore bring together in a logical consequence of the fundamental demands equal rights, equal duties, equality and equal treatment which run together in the three ideals of Maskulismus:
true equal rights and equal duties with no exceptions for both sexes
This requirement aims to overcome the legal bias between the two sexes and unilateral lower regulatory privileges of sex. In recent decades, all legal discrimination against women were abolished, but due to a one-sided understanding of equality, were laws which favored men, and left intact in some cases even increased. It therefore needs a true equality, which perceives not only the women's side.
But since rights and duties are inextricably linked, it must be insisted on the equal commitment of both sexes. Because the demand for equal rights overlooked far too often that these days as the example of conscription clearly the obligations of all and does not equal between the sexes. This requirement is intentionally limited to the legal dimension, for in the public and the interaction between the sexes, the state has no business being. The private is not politically.
done It also contradicts the feminist equality (which is confused by many with equality), which beats in the more comfortable spheres of society on an artificial gender balance, to be with state coercion and realized not only through personal achievement. This ignores that the unequal distribution of gender itself in an unregulated area far from being a Evidence of any form of discrimination, but results from different competence and performance and is therefore the sole responsibility of the (not) people present.
equality and equal treatment of both sexes
Neither men nor women are allowed to unilaterally at the expense of the other gender preferential treatment or discriminate, as both are equivalent but not equal. This principle is in clear contradiction to today's feminism, by promoting women and gender quotas can be at the expense of the men the women get one-sided privileges and people to people through leveling unit wants to educate.
possible by a feminist gender politics and seemingly legitimized by a false sense of equality is today being seriously discussed an extension of shameless discrimination and inequality of the sexes, so long as it only affects men. Persons seriously discussing about such measures and this support is worth equal treatment and equality of the sexes and do a damn men and women forced into feminist role corsets. The Maskulismus accept any kind of role corset - whether feminist or traditionalist. Men and women should decide for themselves what gender expectations they want to meet without being forced by the state in one direction.
abolish any kind of state gender policy and re-education
No man, no organization and no ideology has the right idea of his sexuality with the help of the state on others. The state has to keep them out gender issues. There should be no state institution, which requires people how they understand their male or female sexuality and have to live. Any kind of gender politics increased only existing injustice even further, by constructing, not proven discrimination ("glass Cover is replaced) by real, structural discrimination and deprives the individual. The Maskulismus rejects precisely because from no quotas, no subsidies, no gender equality offices, because the state has a maximum to ensure a level playing field, but does not have to guarantee the finish line.
strategy Maskulismus
The Maskulismus goes further than Männerrechtler and anti-feminists, as he represents not only interests or ideology critique runs, but it offers a mass-market and comprehensive alternative to the feminist zeitgeist. Männerrechtler and anti-feminists are the natural allies of the Maskulismus, if their objectives differ too much from his ideals. Maskulismus is not just a reverse 'Feminism for Men', as he did not want to re-educate men and women from a given ideal and because, in contrast to feminism and the equality of gender equality seriously.
considered the approach of Maskulismus the responsibility of the man during the seizure of power feminism. It was launched by the men industrialization, which finally led to the liberalization of society, among other things for feminism. This could only eat so far into the West, not because men endure for centuries, and look the other way when it comes to their rights and dignity - be it to please the women or in front of other men not to be regarded as unmanly. Misplaced feelings of guilt because of unfounded allegations and false justice because of a completely exaggerated sense of responsibility coupled with male capacity for suffering and the leftist interpretation of sovereignty in the media hieften this ideology to power.
But their power base is fragile at best, because it rests on men who feel more and more abused by the society and of women and cheated. As soon as enough men to use open to their rights and their dignity and thus are opposed to feminism, will collapse like a house of cards whose sovereignty. This is facilitated by the fact that more and more young men turn their backs on women and society and of older men realize that these dangers gynozentrische society for men holding it.
tried these reasons, the Maskulismus win primarily to men for themselves. This feminist claims and demands to be removed as publicity and de-legitimized, while at the same maskulistische ideals are to be disseminated. Thus, the question must nurture one side on the justifiability of feminism , And his interpretation of his claims sovereignty on the other hand always start more people the right to formulate consistent equality. With each man, with any platform that we win for us, we push back the feminist zeitgeist and extend the influence of Maskulismus until finally cleared up a majority of the people and attitude and state feminism to political pressure with the aid of democracy from its hinges points.
The Maskulismus allows us to abused concepts of equal rights and equal from the feminist bias free and the excluded, male Page considered. At the same time eliminate the Maskulismus the grievances, which has caused the feminism in the last forty years.
Only with a consistent Maskulismus we prevent the inevitable cultural pendulum swing, the men and women back to the failure of today's society in an age of tight corsets and suffocating role catapulted. Because of feminism undermines his gynozentrischen selfishness and degenerated the foundation of the West and thus destroyed any form of social sustainability.
corrective Together with other movements, the Maskulismus our last chance to save our free society.
Perseus with the head of Medusa
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