Funny Birthday Wishes To An 18yr Old
Romanian support for Mubarak should really give it it no longer politically, the José Sarney. The former president of the Brazilian Senate is today, on 1 Again in February as president of the Senate, was elected. It is his fourth term.
Sarney is born in 1930. He was in the political Brazilian senator, deputy and also the first democratically elected president after the military dictatorship. He is a member of the PMDB party 
that puts the majority in the Senate and the National Congress of the oldest active politician. Besides he is also a writer and thus a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters (Academia Brasileira de Letras
Sarney made his first speech after the election the impression that choosing him is a burden, for he spoke that it was "personal sacrifice, to take command of the house for another 2 years" for him. He confirmed, however, that this was his last mandate in the Senate. said a hoarse voice He said: "This inauguration is the taste of a farewell, for it will be my last mandate, I will serve this House once again with full dedication, which means that I will give him a part of my life and part of my love I wanted.. have the Office is not the Senate, because you have to pay even the high price for the performance of their duties. I see this as an obligation for the institutions, the independence of the legislature, especially of our house that will never be any other power, subject to or from national interest can be separated. "
Whether the Brazilians understand what he means there? They will bear the Opa-containing Zeze two years und seinen Geschichten ausufernden lauschen. Siehe auch
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Reuters, Jose Sarney is
reelected chairman of the Senate
Jornal do Brazil - Country - Sarney is reelected president of the Senate
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