Friday, February 11, 2011

Obraz Olejny Praga Czeska

Brazilian alcoholics start young in

A meteorological gives high Barcelona
these days next season, a record high air pollution in all values. currently well above the limits set by the EU. The high will certainly and disappear again, but the basic problem remains. Barcelona is a highly polluted city air. And experts believe that the local administration is unable for a fundamental change in policy on clean air. The best example is the reduction of speed limit of 80 h / km on all urban highways of the metropolitan area of Barcelona. The new government has made the drivers lobby of this populist gift to the environment. Finally, they had denounced the campaign against the full-bodied, introduced by the previous government scheme. This is despite the state government (Generalitat

) scientific Reports are available that speed restrictions had led to a noticeable improvement in air quality in the city.
The ordinary people who filled it with
the hospitals, has not this lobby. The new government is in its "Weitschtigkeit" one better: The Director of the Catalan meteorological service was dismissed because he and the abolition of speed limit did not agree and this has also made known publicly.
prepares the Barcelona city council now faces an entirely new plan that they will provide better air. He called the plan for energy, climate change and air quality 2011-2020 (Plan de Energía , Cambio climático y Calidad Ambiental 2011-2020). The new measures look like this: There will be creating more taxi stands, so the taxis themselves struggling not always empty in search of open spaces in the city. In the port to the pollutant emissions from ships will be reduced. These are namely in the port while the ship is operated and electric generators with their dirty diesel oil. bring vehicles, the goods in the city, only to be electric vehicles.
Whether it is so future made sustainable . See also: "! Maldita Diagonal Bad air in Madrid and Barcelona

or how to make Barcelona more livable

half speed limit number of deaths in Barcelona

contaminación sin freno ·


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