Creation vs. Science
The story of creation is probably sufficient known, well, more or less, one had looked into it. But it's just part of us Christians. This story also made through history, then later written down, recorded by many stories and ruler of the art of writing and certainly always a bit put in another version, up to today valid content, such as the creation of all of us being that of the earth, the universe and everything has happened really, as it were, is in general have been possible.
One may have doubts justified probably, but it is remarkable that this interpretation of the creation of thousands of years could not be refuted, yes, and ever that there was next to no other than the from God, whoever may put to it than what this was ever called as he was seen and understood.
more surprising that there have been at any time of the people is a science, one that even today occupies is, so it is a proof of this. The very early science with endless set apart, and always has as much further research, as it does today, too. And if all that time scientists were with their respective means and methods and arrive again in doubt, but they have never actually at the creation as it is sent to us, because they have no doubt.
Only today, we know the nature of science does not doubt only at the origin of creation, no, she says quite rigid that it has never been so. And not only that, they of course also provides evidence for some but only alleged.
science should be explained, be transparent and understandable for everyone. And she has that right today, allows no doubt, but instead she takes refuge in increasingly, the human understanding fugitive further evidence, based on evidence and own knowledge in the thought very well be a hundred years ago was not even close to unimaginable.
to the bill, and we will be, more and more need to accept that the current science takes us all faith, wants to take everything fits what to think of its kind not enter. There is no place for God, not for something on the ground thinking beyond, and none for something that we call aliens.
And yet it managed not science until now, the people of their faith, of all that was felt thousands of years ago already, although in different forms, it has not succeeded in this kind of faith in their supposed convert such a perfect facts of the declarations.
That makes me suspicious, and yet again raising doubts that the science ...
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