Sunday, February 27, 2011

Scorpio Men Showing Interest

How evacuate its nationals from Libya?

brasilianische Justizministerium Das hat seinen Kurds will Jahresbericht 2011 zur "Landkarte der Gewalt" ( Map da Violencia 2011) veröffentlicht. Danach sind basierend auf den Zahlen für das Jahr 2008 der Todesfälle die Mehrheit der Jugendlichen occurred between 15 and 24 years of violence killed. In plain English: They have been killed.
line was the estimated figures by the Statistical Office
IBGE in Brazil in 2008, it falls about 34.6 million youths between the ages of 15 and 24. They represent approximately 18.3% of the total of 189.6 million inhabitants of Brazil. In 1980 the number of these young people have 25.1 million of a total population of 118.7 million people. The proportion of young people in the population at that time was higher at 21.1% as it is today.
The mortality rate of the Brazilian population fell due to increased life expectancy of 633 per 100,000 inhabitants in 1980 to 568 (per 100,000) in 2004. The mortality rate among young people has changed but not in contrast to the general Lebenserwarrtung. During 1980 128 young people per 100,000 died there in 2008 were 133 of them. The mortality rate in this age group has increased, contrary to that of the total population.
studies conducted in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro shows that epidemics and contagious diseases - during several decades leading cause of death among young people - by and by with so-called "external reasons" have been replaced, especially in traffic accidents and death by murder and manslaughter. In the rest of the population, only 9.9% of Deaths "external causes" attributed. When the young are external causes 73.6% of the cause of death. While the total population of only 1.8% of deaths caused by violence, murder and manslaughter at 39.7% of young people are responsible for the deaths.
rose in the period from 1998 to 2008, the annual murder rate in the total population of 41 950 to 50 113 cases. Despite Population growth is thus the murder rate from 1998 to 2008 increased slightly from 17.2% to 17.8%. - Mapa da Violência

Folha - Violência é responsável por 63% das Mortes de jovens no país


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