Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Keratin Treatment Safety Nursing

sleep better terms with love

Today I call this day as the time of the Enlightenment, no, not what some might now someone thinks or suspects, no, it is a purely mathematical, so good, we doped academics, Latin for "Deka niche Rank deer, we call this act like the mathematical art.
Yes, correct belongs, mathematics has a lot to do with art, with artistic design. Of course now, not with the objective, which is anyway mostly around and gathering dust, the mathematical art is found in the literature, in this kind of large, and this I would like to introduce a few, because here we are dealing not only with figures, even magic plays a large role.
is so, should, should, well then, so everyone has the magic meaning of the 7 are well known, since it takes no Chinese blood in their veins, the veins I did not even mention, as inviolable in the third millennium AD, and even after the Ascension, the blue blood, true blood, not the popular bean with the surprising contents contaminated blood, said to the father to the doctor, my boy, leave it alone.
We speak here of the famous words "7" which can be found here including:

"The Seven Dwarfs" - "Seven at one blow" - "Seven dancing radishes Polka
" In the seven mountains "-" has seven days a week "-" Seven scoundrels in a pedal boat, "etc.

And a magical point of reference, this 7, even a very special addition, with small, almost invisible political footnote. Thus, a man from the state of the nobility, one with true blood in your veins, this was in 7 of the third millennium after meticulously petty preparation of a dissertation in the period of 7 years the magic dignity awarded, from now until eternity its many social names the coveted, set among collectors esteemed title of doctor ahead.
In times of less held coronations behind thick hooded walls of silence, ie the locks, since the award of the doctorate today at least equal, corresponds scepter and crown, golden opens doors and makes as if by magic from a more or less called "Normalo" with the help of a magic tape a new one Gutt - People.

So, here then ends once and for today the first hour of clarifying information ...


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