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Garzón said, and Berlin will experience it first There were times when a budding diplomat, which country also Immm, only a real diplomat, was when he spoke French. Granted, this has at least since the end of the 2nd World War II changed. But still you would expect from the high school of French diplomacy over by the representatives of other countries.
all water under the bridge: The recent failure of the State Department to give serious considerations regarding the failure of French diplomacy occasion. The "Quai d'Orsay 
" is a failed ministry, dismissed the French ambassador, said in Senegal in July 2010. Politicians
Alain Juppe and
Hubert Védrine These calls were made mid last year and the developers have these days shown the allegations are true. France has of the coming revolt in Tunisia noticed nothing, although it is known, according to published reports Wikileaks in the American Embassy in 2008, the anger of the Tunisian public against the corrupt mafia government was Ben Ali.
For connoisseurs, the decline of French diplomacy and the importance of the Foreign Ministry with the Nicolas Sarkozy's election as president in 2007 started. It was characterized by a loss of power of the diplomats. The presidential administration took over insidiously, the responsibilities for foreign policy and concentrating them to the President. The urge to an independent policy was abandoned in favor of a stronger reference to the United States. Neoconservatives in the vicinity of the President now determine the policy and Sarkozy has them more or less delivered the State Department. They had the ambition to emulate the great examples of the Bush era and it was the expertise of an entire generation of experts, especially regarding the Arab world, marginalized because of their expertise and advice did not fit their world view. A senior official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained the situation this way: "Everything that relates to foreign policy, is made in the Elysée. The man in charge, Jean-David Levitte, a real computer on legs, with a conservative and centrist giscardo-electronic brain. But that could not because of the hard right or a neo-conservative who told us why we defended dictators until the last minute ".
This system degrades the diplomatic staff of yes-men just yet. anderlsautende criticism and suggestions are no longer wanted and, where appropriate, punished with a career break.
The events in Tunisia is an excellent example of this policy. Because he had no development in Tunisia treated properly, the ambassador was recalled in Tunis and by the "Sarkoboy" the first hour, Boris Boillon replaced, prompting a former diplomat to the following comment: "This is a good example of this accumulation of powers in the President's One wonders no longer even on the Quai d'Orsay, a performance. to find Repräsentaten to respond to the needs of the Tunisia of today. It sits a representative of Sarkozy's, which has nothing to do with France, but connected with the clan system of the president. That you throw now, a few statesmen who now the power to give up. This is a reversal of the functioning of the state! "
Information Source: Marianne2
Monde arabe: sont-ils nos Diplomates myopic?
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