In Brazil, according to a survey by the Centre for
alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (
Cratod São PauloMost thinking is the fact that young people have started drinking as children. After the survey was 39% of these cases, already the father of an excessive drinker, at 19% it was his mother and stepfather in 11%. The survey also follows that began after contact with alcohol-and tobacco, half of the addicts with the hashish consumption. The "role model" effect is crucial for the children the experts say: "The child mimics what the adult or the young person continues drinking, because then he believes to be an adult.." But the attitude to alcohol in Brazil is also too lenient. The alcohol advertising on television is excessive and the government does not object. In this case, we know that the social damage are significantly through advertising. An expert said: "For the government it is difficult to invest in the fight against alcohol as in tobacco use was, for the alcoholic drink so do not bother the person standing next to the drinker."
) 40% of alcohol-dependent young people before their 11th Age to start drinking. The majority had their first contact with alcoholic beverages inside the home or in the presence of family members.Two sample cases: Johnny says, "I drank a bottle of wine per day, then I changed but the rum I smoked many cigarettes and took drugs before I started with the alcohol, I was the best pupil in the class then heard... I study at. My life became hell. I have decided to take a professional help when I realized that I could die. " Madalena drank gallons of rum a day and has become an adult with alcohol problems. By the abuse she lost her husband and two children who moved away from the city and have no contact with her. After a suicide attempt, she realized that it was time to seek help. It is in an intensive therapy, which lasts 40 days.
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