Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pennsylvania Acrostic Poem

Feminist Voice destruction

Because of the totalitarian nature of the aims of feminism after all aspects of thinking transform and action of man and society in his favor. This makes the feminist ideology does not stop at the dignity of the German language. The corruption and decomposition of the Germans was in the German men's rights movement been only marginal treated because, in relation to other, serious crimes of feminism not be particularly priority was released and due to limited resources simply could not be the focus of men's rights activists, and anti-feminists Maskulisten.

This short treatise on the language-destroying Aspect of feminism is to understand the basic grammatical criticisms and pose for each course sympathizers, so that we may release the subject from the corrupting influence of feminism. Not treated, but still belonging to the language feminism, the eternal Faktenverdreherei and the one-sided presentation of events by the ideological abuse of language , as this has been documented at length elsewhere.


Like any other totalitarian ideology tries to feminism the way people perceive reality and how they to influence thinking. An old approach that has already been described in detail in the dystopian novel "1984", is it the manipulation of language. If the word freedom has a completely different or even contradictory meaning, so that people can not talk about the concept of freedom, then at some point the idea of freedom disappear from thought.

Just think feminists on gender in languages and their anger here directed particularly to the male gender. They experience the German language, which makes extensive use of masculine gender, as repulsive and threatening. This feminist Maskuphobie, an irrational, sick and unreasonable fear of masculinity is also reflected in the feminist concept of "hegemonic masculinity", the "rape culture" and of course the all-embracing "patriarchy".

feminists are pursuing with his linguistic destruction multiple targets. First, they want to do with this linguistic rape women "visible" and thus the "linguistic sexism" push back. This should be a "gender-neutral" language. They claim that had been proven by numerous studies that the generic masculine discriminates against women. It is complained that the generic masculine is not "gender neutral" might be thought.

feminists see (see page 3) this ideological manipulation as they wish even to be an important contribution to a "mature democracy". The mean really so serious that it is strongly recommended elsewhere , not the linguistic equality "by making ridiculous exaggeration to trivialize or ignore! This is another similarity with totalitarian ideologies - even where it was introduced (often also under threat of violence) is prohibited over their dogma and delusions omit satirical or even ignore them. Finally, is the salvation of the world / of Climate / women / animals / the Third World or something at stake!

This is not funny but deadly serious! Get it?

instruments linguistic devastation

But which of torture maltreat the feminists, the German language? Here are some examples:

- Penetrante mention of a female form:
"athletes" / "Doctor" / "Soldat_innen" / "a (e) Learning (r)"

Even if this does not even exist, "fire women

- remove or Crippling masculine forms:
" academics "/" sportsmen "

- substitution of generic masculine terms with sexist, female forms:
"woman" instead of "you" / "any woman" instead of "a person"

- Substitution of generic masculine by participles:
"students" instead of "Students"

As many journalists have left and the left in a particularly thorough manner sympathetic to feminism, it is not surprising that the excesses of feminist linguistics, first in the media , then Universities have to and finally taken root in the public service . Just exactly where have left into it planted during their "march through the institutions." There it has long been promoted for ideological reasons, and recently also in the minds of the last stubborn dogmatic left a slow shift away from the feminist Language devastation is clear. Even some feminists are ashamed of it now, so that they do not use today on the internal-I - we will eventually also as a staunch feminist not "stale" are .

fallacies of language feminism

The German language distinguishes between gender and sex. While the genus is the grammatical gender and the masculine includes the feminine and the neuter, as the Sexus for the biological sex and therefore the masculine and feminine. The German language separated so sharply between the real, natural gender (Sexus) and abstract grammatical categories (gender). This distinction culminated in the emergence of generic forms, which includes all the families - but takes no specific, separate biological sex (Sexus).

The generic masculine "the students" therefore includes all students - whether male or female - not just the male students. The generic feminine "the person" therefore means a male or a female person (oddly enough, the feminists screaming at this "männerauschliessenden" grammatical form is not). The generic neuter "the member" is either a male or a female member. Each generic form besizt the peculiarity that it makes no statement about the biological sex (the Sexus) of the affected people.

feminists and other politically correct now come along and think either out of ignorance or spite of knowing better, that the generic masculine women exclusively (!) - This is already purely linguistically impossible, since the generic masculine is a genus and Thus, with the Sexus "women" do absolutely nothing. Men are finally not crying and so that they feel discriminated against by the form "the person". Women should not also make when Gender and sex do not correlate exceptionally.

If not correlate in special cases, gender and sex, this has nothing to do with exclusion or discrimination, as both are completely different grammatical categories, which attempts to equate only out of ignorance or ideological reasons. So when feminists insist on the female form, it must respond to them, that the grammatical gender and biological sex have nothing to do with each other and thus are co-intended men and women equally.

The demand for additional female forms, and thus the "visibility" of women is not sexism the language away, on the contrary, it is introduced into this because this is, ultimately, every word as perceived biological sex. Which leads to the absurd situation that words such as "the child" are perceived as asexual. In addition zerschandeln attached female forms, the language and reduce the legibility of the affected text. It also gives ideological paranoia every text that was written before 1990, Unauthorised as a gender-sided colored appear - even though generic forms precisely my no specific gender. And because generic forms include all genders equally, is misplaced feminine forms with no additional information packed into the text so that the aesthetics of the text for nothing at all to suffer - and this only because of the cries of the feminists.

The feminist Sprachzerschandelung loses the German and the ability to present certain facts logically consistent. If we look at the phrase "women are the reasonable driver" and assign each word over a biological sex and thus a Sexus, then the sentence makes no sense would finally now all understand the word "drivers" as a purely male. But women can not ultimately be the better male drivers, as that set by the Gender Talk Glasses would suggest! It takes in this case the generic masculine, which mitmeint equally men and women, to convey the meaning of the sentence can logically.

The feminist voice zerschändelt destruction not only the figure of speech but also crippled the ability of language issues at all can still communicate logically correct!


We have seen that women can not resist feminist claims excluded from the German language, since the generic masculine and women as well as men mitmeint. Furthermore, we have seen that the language of feminism to Zerschandelung unsightly leads and the German language prevents play some of the facts logically correct. banish

It is the feminist claim that sexism in the language leads to a penetration of the language with sexist clichés, forcing the reader an ideological glasses on - just like the women's quota is introduced to combat alleged sexism, while this in practice to massive structural discrimination and sexism out against men.

There is also no argument to interview any people, whether they are a generic masculine rather than male or neutral in order to feel the need to justify its abolition. Just because two-thirds of Americans believes that the moon landing would have never happened, will now need to finally not written in astronomy books, that the moon landing was just invented. Just because control any number of people the grammar of their own language is not, it must not be rewritten or adapted

also to voice feminism is once again the famous feminist bias. Is finally sued only in the generic masculine, that these women "exclude" as I have never a Feminist, I ran across the path, which would have complained that the generic feminine men "exclude".

language Feminist criticism and demands are therefore totally inappropriate and harmful to one side - just like the rest of the nonsense of the feminist ideology . Maskulisten must therefore delegitimize described at every available opportunity to voice feminism as above and aware of the generic forms in their everyday use in mind so that the Zerschandelung our German is finally halted!

Down with feminism voice!


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